Hey guys, rather you know me or not i'm Trenton the head of diplomacy in the Church Of Saradomin and temporarly in charge of military. We would like to tell you we wish to aid you in the upcoming war, if there are any issues please contact jj the sage or me.
^ It's an event between The Flying Kacklers and the Runescape World Alliance, we're doing an event which kizo came up with (as far as I know) "Spartan's Vs Ninja's" it'll be tons of fun & we'd appreciate anyone who attends.
If you'd like more information about it, please check out this thread: 42-43-449-62603043
All our upcoming events are stated on Page 1 - Post 5.
~~+~~ Clan Application ~~+~~
Clan Name: Dark Magic
Leader: pain of lust
Amount of Members:around 30-40 active (need to update)
Quick find code:93-94-746-62262116
Representatives (max. 2): baldurwolfer
Have you read and understand our objectives? yes , zaku help with most of it >_>.
Extra info: we are a easy going clan we will bump this thread some . we will try to keep active with the thread .
ty for accepting if you do .
Check out my new quest
Frozen Steal
!Obtain the original shard to recreate your own Godsword!
^ accepted, give Kizo a few days or so to update you on the list (he's been inactive the past day or so). I'm sure you'll have fun within the Kacklers, I look forward to doing future activities with you.