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Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome to the home thread for the Friends Chat:

(Our FC (friends chat) recruitment thread can be found by clicking HERE .)

This is our FC information hub for those of our regulars who prefer not to access our offsite forums to use. It will give you more in depth information about our friends chat than has previously been posted on our recruitment thread. Our offsite forums are of course the primary focus of our out of game interactions, but you may also use this thread for ‘ FC family’ interactions/discussion.

For those stumbling on this thread who are new to the FC, don’t worry, you don’t have to read all this before you drop in the FC! It’s merely a comprehensive reference for those who want more details about particular aspects or our FC community. Feel free to post here yourselves, or on our recruitment thread .

Click HERE to jump straight to our current events.
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:51:16 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2018 20:42:56 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thread Index

(Click on post title to jump to the post)

Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Index
Post 3: General Information/Our ethos
Post 4: What we offer
Post 5: FC Behaviour Guidelines
Post 6: FC Behaviour Guidelines (Continued)
Post 7: P2P and Non-iron Chat/Accounts: Policy
Post 8: Promoting Other Chats in FC
Post 9: Promoting Other Chats in FC (Additional Information)
Post 10: FC teams and ‘ranks’ icons
Post 11: Current Teamies: player list
Post 12: FC Moderators (role)
Post 13: FC Moderators (criteria for invitation)
Post 14: FC Moderators (recruitment process and removals)
Post 15: FC Mods: Guidelines (general)
Post 16: FC Mods: Guidelines (procedure)
Post 17: FC Community Activist Team (role and criteria for invitation)
Post 18: FC Community Activist Team (recruitment process and removals)
Post 19: Current Events
Post 20: Other useful Ironman Chats/guides
Post 21: Useful F2p Ironman tips/guides
Posts 22-30: Archives of past events and reserved posts
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:51:34 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2017 21:08:44 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
General Information

F2PIronmanFC has been going since January 2015. We are the oldest existing friends chat aimed at f2p iron players, active around the clock, and over the years we have become the central hub for the f2p ironmode community to hang out. Some players just like to drop in and out to get some advice, but at the heart of our FC family is a solid base of regulars who make the chat what it is today, and help to provide a friendly, welcoming, helpful and inclusive environment for all.

The Friends Chat is aimed at RS3 Ironman/woman players (both legacy and eoc) who are free to play. Both regular Ironman and Hardcore Ironman players are welcome. All are also welcome on their non-iron or P2P accounts, providing they respect our F2p Ironman focus.

Our ethos:

Respectfulness, friendliness, helpfulness, encouragement and inclusivity, focussing on the free to play ironmode style of play. (Click here for our policies on P2P/mainscape related chat and accounts in FC.)

We are proud of the atmosphere of friendly, non-patronising helpfulness that is a marked aspect of our chat. Friendly and often humorous interaction have become a big part of what we are about.

We ask all our regulars to help nurture the atmosphere that we so value. This FC family belongs to us all!


We have an unofficial homeworld, W29, where we tend to hold any events etc, and those of us hoping to bump into other f2p irons often play on that server. It is entirely optional though of course!
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:51:44 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2017 11:44:48 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What We Offer

• A free to play ironman focussed chat that you can hang out in at the same time as your regular clan chat.

• Offsite forums, where we post screenies of our game play, tips and guides, and anything else we think might be of interest to our community. You can find our forums here:
If you choose to register to have posting permissions and to see the full site, please use a name related to your RSN so that we know who you are, and do not use the same email you use for your RS account. There may be a slight delay before the forums admin authorise your account.

• A Discord channel, for voice chat or out of game text chat.
You can access that here:

• A team of regulars dedicated to encouraging and strengthening the community feel of our FC (the Community Activist team) through optional events and other initiatives, with opportunities for others to join this team to help out in this aspect.

• A team of mature, responsible players, (including two player moderators), who moderate the chat sensitively to ensure it remains a pleasant place to be for all. There are opportunities for players with the right characteristics to help out on this team.

Help Spread the Word!

Help in spreading the word is always much appreciated. Most of our regulars came to us through word of mouth, so bear us in mind when you run across other ironmen/women on free worlds. We’re onto something good here, let's share it around and help other isolated f2p Ironies get in touch with each other too!
Do bump our recruitment thread here too while you’re on the forums!
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:51:51 - Last edited on 14-Jul-2019 18:48:32 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FC Behaviour Guidelines

As stated in the FC moderation guidelines, the overall guiding principles are keep to RuneScape rules, respect the F2P Ironman focus of our chat, and ensure that the FC environment is a welcoming and pleasant environment for all its users, regardless of their culture, religious/political beliefs, race, gender, sexuality, age, style of play, or any other distinguishing characteristic.

Users of the Friends Chat are expected to treat other FC users with the respect and consideration that they wish to be treated with themselves.

(Continued below)
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:51:58 - Last edited on 28-Mar-2018 19:34:07 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FC Behaviour Guidelines (Continued from above)

Below are a few examples of behaviour in the FC that we will NOT tolerate, due to the likelihood of it causing disruption.

• Breaking the game rules.

• Crude/vulgar topics.

• Using the FC to glean information about the whereabouts of players in the wildy, in order to PK them. (This will result in a ban)

Please note that the above is not an exhaustive list. Other than those specific examples, a simple rule of thumb should be, ‘if in doubt, leave it out’.

Please also avoid P2P game content chat in FC (click HERE for our policy on p2p and non-iron related chat and accounts in FC).

Further details of all of the above can be found in the FC Moderators' guidelines' HERE .
Advertising other chats in our own, is permitted only under certain conditions . (Refer to the thread 'Advertising Other Chats', in this forum section.) Infringement of those conditions may result in a warning, kick or ban, depending on the circumstances.

Stong Language

Occasional use of strong language when appropriate to add emphasis will be tolerated in FC, but if it becomes so frequent as to start to negatively affect the feel of the chat, the player may be requested to tone down the language. All players will be expected to be considerate of others in the FC at any time and adapt their language accordingly. Of course there will be zero tolerance towards strong language directed at another player with the intention to offend.

Inappropriate Names

Players with names that could be seen as inappropriate should be aware that after discussion within the FC Mod team, they may lose access to the FC until such a time as they change their username.

Players are welcome to politely request others to adhere to our guidelines in FC, but avoid getting into arguments at all costs. PM a FC Mod if needed.
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:52:04 - Last edited on 15-May-2018 19:24:14 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
P2P and Non-iron Chat/Accounts: Policy

The friends chat has an all-inclusive policy. Players of all types are permitted in the chat.

P2P accounts in the FC

Pay-to-Play players are welcome in the chat, but please avoid raising any P2P game content chat in the FC . This is to avoid confusion and non-relevant spam for the F2P players who use our Friends Chat. No problem with mentioning a milestone achievement as you get it, but nothing likely to start a P2P conversation.

For P2P content chat, please visit one of the many P2P iron clans. We also have an affiliated clan chat , 'p2pironmanfc', to enable the P2P frequenters of f2pironmanfc to chat freely about their p2p content without having to drop out of f2pironmanfc. Players can guest in that P2P focussed clan chat, they do not have to leave their own clan chats or the FC to do so.

Repeated flouting of our policy on P2P chat in FC may result in a kick on the third offence.

Occasionally, our policy on P2P chat will be relaxed for a limited period due to other factors, such as Iron accounts being given a free weekend trial of P2P. Those circumstances will be very rare though and will only affect the FC for a short time. Even during such periods though, if a FC Mod requests that a particular P2P content conversation is curtailed, that must be respected.

Non-Iron accounts in the FC

The main or alternative non-iron accounts of FC regulars are also welcome to hang out in the chat, or any regular accounts who are just looking into the possibility of starting an Iron account and would like some information/advice on that. We expect all players in FC who have ‘mainscape’ accounts, to respect the Iron mode focus of our chat and to keep talk about non-Iron game content to a minimum . FC Moderators will be ranked on all their accounts, iron or non-iron, F2P or P2P, to enable them to monitor the chat and keep it a happy place! :)
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:52:10 - Last edited on 28-Mar-2018 19:48:24 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Promoting Other Chats in FC

Anyone is welcome to promote either a clan chat or a friends chat, including those any which cover the same remit as F2Pironmanfc, with the following conditions:

1. It must be done sensitively in a way that does not disrupt the chat or cause annoyance. FC moderators’ opinions on what is deemed excessive or disruptive should be accepted without argument and their requests to desist for a time should be respected.

2. Our own FC is not denigrated/criticised either overtly or implicitly in order to gain support for an alternative chat. If the promoted chat is found to be facilitating a culture of criticism of our own FC in theirs, promotion permissions will be retracted.

3. Advertising permissions must be reciprocal (ie users of our own FC must also be welcome to promote F2pIronmanFC in the same chat which a player is promoting in our own FC).

4. Our FC thread on the RS forums and our offsite forums here should not be used to advertise other chats, except by permission. Other chats are expected to create their own RuneScape forum threads rather than use ours.

5. The promoted chat should not be misrepresented, whether in pm/public chat or in the FC. For example, there should be no false claims of official or unofficial affiliation with F2PIronmanFC.

(See below for additional information)
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:52:16 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2017 11:54:54 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Promoting Other Chats in FC (Additional Information)

Obviously, we won’t be too bothered if someone has not first sought permission from their clan leaders for any mention of F2pIronmanFC in their clan’s chat before they mention their clan in F2pIronmanFC. Likewise, in the case of a friends chat covering a different remit, which is more of the 'drop in drop out' type for a specific purpose. However if the chat is a friends chat specifically covering the same or a similar area to our own, the above conditions will be adhered to strictly . Under those circumstances we would expect to hear from the alternative chat owner/leader to confirm that promotion permissions are reciprocal and that 'bad-mouthing' f2pironmanfc in their chat will be actively discouraged, before mention of the similar FC is permitted in our own FC.

Please also note that group leaders/owners (FCs and CCs) are liable to be held personally responsible for inappropriate advertising of their own groups that is undertaken by another player. It is the group leader’s responsibility to ensure that all those with connections to their group also adhere to our advertising conditions in FC, and to any further restrictions that may have been placed on advertising their particular group, due to a previous breach of our conditions. We would hope that a group owner would take steps to resolve any such issues internally within their group, so that action against them would not prove to be necessary.
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:52:22 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2017 10:58:36 by Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Arbre de Vie

Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The FC Teams

The term ‘rank’, is perhaps misleading since it is necessarily hierarchical and fails to represent the role of those who have agreed to take on some area of responsibility in the friends chat.

There are two teams within the Friends Chat, focussing on different areas, both of whose contributions are equally valued, the FC Moderation team (FC Mods) and the Community Activist team (CAs). Players with a star symbol in FC, are FC Mods and have moderating responsibilities in the chat. Players with a three stripes symbol are members of the CA team, responsible for enabling and encouraging FC users involvement in the community aspect of the FC. A few players may be in both teams, but on the whole, they are distinct since different qualities are required for each role. The symbols chosen do not indicate relative importance neither are they a step in ‘career progression’.

The ‘Ranks’ icons

(Three Stripes): Members of the CA team. Active, friendly players with experience playing on a F2P Iron account, who love interacting with others and getting involved with F2pIronmanFC community initiatives.

(Gold star in FC): Curators of the FC - involved in both the FC Mod team and the CA team. Kicking permissions in FC.

(Silver star in FC): FC Mods - trusted mature players with experience playing on a F2P Iron account, (they may also be added on their non-iron/P2P accounts). Kicking permissions in FC. They may or may not also be involved in the CA team.

(Smiley faces in FC): may occasionally be given for a temporary period in the friends chat as a recognition of some sort (eg winning FC events, hosting an event etc). Smileys are normally removed after a month, unless the contribution of the player who has received a smiley is on-going.
AKA Treemaid

06-Aug-2017 10:52:28 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2017 11:59:19 by Arbre de Vie

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