
† World 103 POC Community T5 † Thread is locked

Quick find code: 90-91-722-65845494

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Standard Procedures


In the World 103 Community, we use a unique method to keep track of land claims and fiscal holdings. We use a treasury system based on the amount of members in the clan and number of land claims so as to show the importance of major cities and trade hubs.

Founding and capitals

When your clan becomes a POC and joins the community, they receive 15,000gp for their treasury. This can be used to claim a first plot of land, which defaults to being the capital.

The first capital chosen by a clan will be considered A Tier for revenue purposes; however, this will ONLY apply to their first capital. Should the clan later wish to change its capital, their former capital shall return to its typical revenue tier, and any future chosen capital shall remain it's normal revenue grade.

Claiming Land

Revenue is counted at approximately 12AM GMT every Sunday morning by the threadholder. A clan is only allowed to claim one land per in-game reset (forum time). In order to claim land, the land must 1) cost at most the same amount as the funds you have in your treasury 2) border at least one land that the claiming clan owns.


In order for a land war to be official, it must be made using the declaration form on this thread. This declaration must be posted both on this thread and on the declared clan's thread. In order to declare war for a land, the declaring clan must pay a fee from their treasury equal to the normal claiming cost of the desired land. A clan may exceed its claim cap by warring, and only by warring.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:35:29 - Last edited on 01-Nov-2016 02:42:09 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Community Rules and Resource/Land Mechanics


- The thread holder is to be owner of the Discord Server.

- The Clan Leader Chat in discord can be occupied by the Gold Key and one other person (chosen by Clan Leader).

- In the case that there is a Law enacted that is disagreeable, Clan Leaders can vote to revert/change laws with a majority vote. This must be done on the forum.

- In order for major community changes to occur (such as the admittance of a clan to the community) , at least a majority vote must be ruled. One vote is given to each clan currently in community. The threadholder may only vote in order to break a tie.

- The equation for land claim cap is: (Round down)
For 0 < population < 141:
=== Cap = 10 + (population/20)
For 140 < population:
=== Cap = 17 + ( (population-140)/40 )

- Land Gifts and Trades are allowed to occur should both parties accept. However, a gift/trade cannot end with the result of one of the clans being above their land claim cap.

- A clan may choose to relinquish control of a claim in order to decrease their holdings and make room for more claims under the cap requirements. However, the clan must not create a "hole" in their land claim area. That is to say, they must choose a claim that lies on the perimeter of their area, not on the inside.

- Clan Revenues and resources are updated weekly on Sunday morning at approximately 12:00 midnight (In-game reset).

- The maximum amount of funds a clan may hold in its treasury at one time is 150K.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:37:13 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2016 06:35:24 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Warring Mechanics


- In order to declare war, the clan must have ownership of a claim which borders the desired claim to be staked.

- A clan may declare war once per week. The clan who declares chooses the desired land from their opponent, and automatically forfeits the standard claim cost upon declaration. If the defending clan wins, they keep the claim. If the attacking (declaring) clan wins, they gain ownership of the claim declared on.

- By default, wars must be fought 1 clan vs. 1 clan, and only with official clan members and will be full out unless otherwise decided by BOTH clans during negotiations.

- A clan that is declared on MUST accept a war or risk forfeiting the land, unless they are given special war amnesty ahead of time. Clans have 3 weeks to decide on a date or the defending clan automatically loses the proposed land.

- In the case that a mediator is needed, the Thread Holder (TH) will be called upon to mediate any war discussions. This means that the TH can provide advice and suggestions but have no power nor ability to alter or nullify war terms or dates. In the case that the TH clan is involved in war, both clans will decide on 1 mediator in place of the TH. TH will also act as referee during war.

- The Thread Holder will act as referee for all wars unless unavailable, in which case, someone will be assigned.

- A clan has a 20 minute time window before a war to arrive before they are disqualified.

- You cannot declare on a clan that is currently active in a war. For simplicity, Page 4 contains the status of each clan.

- Clans have a 48 hour amnesty period following any land wars meaning they cannot be declared upon.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:38:11 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2016 06:42:22 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Duelling - Optional Warring Mechanic


The rules for duelling are as follows:

• ALL clans involved in the war would have to agree to use the Duel mechanic to war.
• Should at least one clan involved in a war disagree on using it, the war would default to Clan Wars, as usual.
• The Duels would occur on the claim that is being fought over.
• Once a combatant is defeated in a duel, they are "killed" and can no longer Duel.
• There is to be no banking or trading of resources in between duels. If you use up all of your food in a previous duel, you are out of food for future duels.
• It is up to all involved clans on how the duels are organized.
• Some third party viewers must be present to confirm the victory.

One way of handling this would just be for both clans to mass up as many interested combatants on the claim being warred for as possible, then have combatants randomly duel and then fall back or teleport out if they lose.

Another way of handling this could be for both clans to choose a Champion, and have the Champions duke it out. When a Champion falls, the clan names another Champion, and this continues until all combatants for a clan are defeated.

Yet another way of handling this could be to have a pre-determined bracket or series of duels that both warring clans agree on.

Again, the implementation is up to all participating clans, and I encourage creativity. This proposal is really what you make of it, and if you want to include RP elements that would be fantastic!

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:38:53

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Ship to Ship Battles


To initiate a ship to ship battle, fill out the Ship to Ship battle application on page 1.

A POC targets an enemy ship, and attempts to sink it or take it over. The attacking POC may move any number of ships to engage, and the defending POC has the ability to move in additional ships to aid in the defence. Other POCs may pledge ships to the attack or defence. After all ships are named, the attackers decide which ship to attack first.

All battles are held on Fishing Trawler. All combat is held via the duel system. All duels must be accepted, and if someone loses a duel, they must teleport away. Battles proceed in the following manner:

1. The battle begins aboard the ship that was declared on first in the forum. The attackers choose one ship to attack, and choose the ship they are using to attack. Each ship can only attack once.

2. The attacking team is allowed a maximum of 10 members, defenders 15. All participants board the Fishing Trawler.

3a. If the trawler sinks, then the defending ship is destroyed.

3b. If the attackers defeat all of the defenders before the trawler sinks, they get the ship.

3c. If the defenders defeat all of the attackers, they keep the ship. The defenders then become the new attackers.

4. After any battle aboard a ship, the attackers may choose to withdraw.

5. If the attackers do not withdraw, then the attackers choose another ship to attack and steps 2-4 are repeated. This continues until each of the attacker's ships have attacked once.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:39:22 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2016 17:35:38 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Ship Rules


A clan leader or representative may give an order to each of their ships once a week. The orders are:

Fortify: The ship will remain where it is, and fortify the claim it is stationed at. If another ship attempts to raid the claim, the raid will be unsuccessful. (Use Ship Orders Application)

Raid a Coastal Claim: The ship will move to a claim adjacent to the ocean and steal half of the resources from that claim for the week. If a fortifying ship is present, the raid fails. If the number of raiding ships is larger than the number of fortifying ships, then the raid succeeds. You cannot raid a Capital. (Use Ship Orders Application)

Ship-to-Ship Battle: A POC targets an enemy ship, and attempts to sink it or take it over. See next post for more details. (Use Ship-to-Ship Battle Application)

Trade: Send a ship from one of your ports to the port of another POC and trade resources with them. (Use Trade Agreement Application and specify a ship)

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:40:50 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2016 17:36:14 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Resource Uses


A Clan Leader or Representative may spend their resources on the following:

Build a Ship: Spend 20K, 30 Wood, 15 Ore, and 5 Flax. A new ship will be built in a port that you control (of your choice). For convenience, all ships must be named. All ships have a weekly upkeep cost of 5 Wood, 2 Ore, and 1 Flax OR 5K GP.

Build a Caravan: Spend 10K, 10 wood, 5 ore, and 5 fish (for food provisions). One land caravan will also cost an investment of 10K gp for labor costs.

Build a Guild: Choose a claim that you control. Pay 20K, 20 Wood, 20 Ore, 10 Fish, and 5 Runes or Energy (interchangeable) to establish a Guild in that claim. Then, choose a resource that the claim gives. The claim now gives 50% more of that resource (round to nearest integer).

Build a Monument: Choose a claim that you control. Pay 30 Ore to build a monument in that claim to increase that claim’s revenue by 2K (due to increased tourism, religious zealots, etc.)

Feed the People: Pay 10 Fish and select a claim. One resource that the claim produces is increased by 50% for one week. (Round to nearest integer).

Alchemy: Need money? Use Runes to High Alch your resources! 1 Rune per 1 Resource. 1 Resource will become 2K. (Can spend X runes for turning X resources into 2K * X gold).

Transmutation: Spend X energy. Turn X resources of one type into X resources of another type. Cannot turn resources into runes or energy. Cannot transmute runes or energy.

Trade: You may trade resources with another POC, should you come to a mutual agreement on what is traded and post it on the thread. (Fill out a Trade Agreement form).

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:41:06 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2016 17:36:25 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Additional Resource Uses


Walls - Spend 30 Ore to build or improve a Wall around a claim! Walls make it so that, if a war is held for that claim, the war becomes best 3 of 5 by default One set of walls per claim limit.

Watchtower - Spend 15 wood OR 15 ore, 5 runes OR energy, and 15K gp. Counts as 1 ship for defending a claim against raids. Two watchtowers per claim limit.

Bank - Spend 100K and 20 of every type of resource. Raises treasury cap by 50K. One bank per POC.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:41:27 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2016 17:39:48 by Desert Spear

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Storehouses


Everyone begins with a Level 1 Storehouse. At the end of the week, when revenues are updated, unspent resources are moved into the Storehouse. The default storage amount is 40 for each resource. Any unspent resources collected that are in excess of the storage of 40 will be wasted, stolen, or eaten by trolls.

At any time, you may pay a large amount of money to hire a contractor to expand your POC's storehouse. There are 4 levels, and the upgrades must be done in order (i.e. you can't just drop 100K to immediately go from a Level 1 to a Level 4 Storehouse - you need to get Level 2 and Level 3 first!).

Storehouse Level 1: 40 storage for each type of resource. Cost: Free!
Storehouse Level 2: 45 storage for each type of resource. Cost: 50K
Storehouse Level 3: 50 storage for each type of resource. Cost: 75K
Storehouse Level 4: 60 storage for each type of resource. Cost: 100K

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:41:56

Desert Spear
Feb Member 2022

Desert Spear

Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

_____ Trade Routes


Trade routes can be over land with a Trade Caravan or over sea with a Ship.

To trade via land, a trade agreement must be made where it is specified that the caravan is trading. The Caravan must start on a claim that the first POC owns, and end on any claim that the second POC owns. If the caravan crosses over land that a third POC owns, they must be given permission to cross, or the trade will fail.

To trade by sea, a trade agreement must be made where it is specified that the ship is trading. The Ship must start on a port that the first POC owns, and end on a port that the second POC owns. If that ship is not attacked (Ship to Ship combat) during the week, then the trade will go smoothy. If that ship is attacked, and the attackers are successful, then the attackers also gain the resources that were on the ship. If that ship sinks, then the resources are lost. If the defenders win, the trade will continue.

If a ship is trading, it cannot be used to fortify a claim, raid a territory, or attack another ship.

Desert Spear
War, War never changes.

26-Oct-2016 05:42:09 - Last edited on 02-Nov-2016 17:39:37 by Desert Spear

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