If you are a Clan Leader, review Quick find code: 86-87-213-63983751
It has come to our attention Jagex failed us. They mentioned in patch notes how permissions can not be overridden by lower ranks, but they still can. Despite all efforts to only allow Overseers and Deputy Owners to kick users from clan chat, any rank Admin or higher automatically has this permission even if unchecked on permissions page.
This has become a problem. All offenses of power abuse result in immediate demotion to Recruit. Possible kick/ban if the abuse is multiple offenses (more than 1 kicked user). So every person be on your guard and if you get in a dispute with one of our Organizers and notice you broke no rules and were not verbally warned prior to kick by any Overseer or Deputy Owner, save a screen shot of the chat log leading up to your kick. You will be re-invited back to chat and your rank restored.
We do apologize for this issue. We admit Jagex are idiots at times. But we are powerless to do anything since it is required to make people rank above General in order to allow them to become Avatar Wardens and host bonus XP for our chat. And since Jagex weren't bright enough to simply make Citadels for Friend Chat back when it was already the perfect Clan Chat before they changed the name.
If you have your own clan you can build an avatar habitat. Sadly only Admin+ can be given the job title Avatar Warden and even if we remove permission of them to kick, they can glitch past it and still kick anyone lower ranked than they.
As for our chat we only give Avatar Warden after a person reaches General for being active on our forum/website and helping around citadel. With our new found fact Jagex lied to us when claiming in patch notes they've fixed permissions being overridden by lower ranks than Owner, we now have a new requirement all Deputy Owners must vote on future Avatar Wardens as they are all a risk to overriding permissions and kicking anyone as they see fit.
07-Sep-2012 07:18:57