Wow, now this is a blast from the past...
I feel old now.
I'm Henry*, former editor of the Varrock Tribune in W83, when that was a thing. We were the news and
propaganda arm of the Kingdom of Varrock from late 2007-early 2008. I think we had a three-month run.
I was also a lot of other things, too, depending on who you ask. Like a cheat, backstabber, impostor, suck-up, nobody, and deadbeat lord-governor.
Anyway, weird as it sounds, I'm actually here to find out things about my past, back when I was part of the KOV, from around the time of King Worm to shortly after Queen Yarrielle. If anyone knows anything about that time period, and knows it in-depth, I'd love to hear it.
*Officially, I'm not "Henry Ericson." I'm someone else, but few recognize that name anymore. If you care to ask, I'll tell you, but not here. I don't want to stir up anything.
(Posting for subscribe)
05-Aug-2014 08:56:19