

Quick find code: 90-91-627-65957590

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Any existing clan mate can be promoted into the clans staff ranks. They must meet the requirements before entering these ranks. The following are the requirements that are needed for existing members to be promoted into staff ranks.

1. Must be the rank of General before entering staff ranks.

2. Must have a fealty of 3 due to capping in Masters Templar's citadel, not because they brought their fealty from another clan.

3. The staff member must cap and post their cap on our Masters Templar recruitment thread each week.

4. They must have been performing the duties of the position they want to go into for at least one (1) month successfully before being promoted.

5. All staff members shall be a member of the clan's facebook page and be in our clans group chat MT News Chat.
(This facebook does not need to be a personal facebook, can be a facebook made specifically for runescape.)

6. All staff members that have responsibilities in managing staff documents or sheets must have a gmail account.
(Again this can be an account made specifically for runescape and does not need to be a personal account.)

7. The staff member must be respectful, courteous, and professional with all members.

8. The staff member must be consistent in their duties each week. A drop in duty performance will result in a staff member being removed from staff.

9. All staff members must have their RuneMetrics profile set to public.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:49:46 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:02:01 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Players may come directly into our clan into our staff ranks depending on experience and the result of being interviewed by a member of our existing upper staff. The interviewer is designated by the Clan Leader. They must meet the requirements however before entering these ranks. The following are the requirements that are needed for existing members to be promoted into staff ranks.

1. Players desiring to enter our clan directly on staff must pass an interview.

2. Player must meet the minimum requirement to enter our clan as indicated on our recruitment thread. Click General Clan Information to view these basic requirements.

3. The staff member must cap and post their cap on our Masters Templar recruitment thread each week.

4. All players coming into our clan directly on staff must deliver positive performance within the first 7 days or will be removed from staff and placed among regular clan ranks starting at the bottom.

5. The staff member must be consistent in their duties each week. A drop in duty performance will result in a staff member being removed from staff.

6. All staff members shall be a member of the clan's facebook page and in our FB News Chat.
(This facebook does not need to be a personal facebook, can be a facebook made specifically for runescape.)

7. All staff members that have responsibilities in managing staff documents or sheets must have a gmail account.
(Again this can be an account made specifically for runescape and does not need to be a personal account.)

8. The staff member must be respectful, courteous, and professional with all members.

9. The staff member must be consistent in their duties each week. A drop in duty performance will result in a staff member being removed from staff.

10. All staff members must have their RuneMetrics profile set to public.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:49:53 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:05:03 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


The clan leader can recruit from outside the clan to obtain staff where ever needed and in any rank or position. The clan leader will use any in game, social media or outside source to obtain these staff members. The clan leader may also review all staff members brought in by the assistant clan leader, and at his discretion may perform his own interview with these prospective staff members.


The assistant clan leader can recruit from outside the clan to obtain staff where ever needed, and in any rank or position up to manager (coordinator rank). The assistant clan leader may use any in game, social media or outside source to obtain these staff members. The assistant clan leader will review all staff members brought in by the section directors, and perform their own interview with these prospective staff members.


The section director can recruit from outside the clan to obtain staff where ever needed to fill any officer (administrator rank) position within their own section. The section director may use any in game, social media or outside source to obtain these staff members.


Anyone ranked manager (coordinator rank) and below cannot bring players into our clan directly onto staff. This includes our recruiting staff, as this team is used solely in obtaining regular members to our clan at entry levels.


1. Bring it to the attention of the clan leader if you know someone interested or direct them to this thread.

2. Monitor this thread and make it known immediately if there is an application that's not responded to.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:50:00 - Last edited on 20-Oct-2017 08:34:37 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

As our clan is structured to be accommodating regardless the size of our clan. This is also true for subclanning our clan into a community. The template is there, all is needed is to fill in the blanks. The same applies as above for Recruiting Outside Staff, except to place a staff member in the staff ranks in a subclan, the subclan leader will also review the candidate. This is to ensure the candidate is not only in line with the mission scopes of that clan, but also meets the subject matter in which the clan is based. This is for all levels of staff within the subclan.

Any existing member may be promoted into staff within any subclan within the Masters Templar subclan community. The member is still subject to the requirements as stated above in Internal Promotions as well as being subject to review by the subclan leader.

The placement training for existing members regardless of subclan entering into will take place in the Admin Clan before moving on to the subclan. For players coming in directly into staff will also enter the Admin clan. Once training is complete and the determination is made that they are ready, they will then be reviewed by the subclan leader for proper fit. Once they pass the review with the subclan leader, they will advance to the subclan.

If a member is demoted within a subclan, that member may continue with that clan as a regular member ranked appropriate as determined by the subclan leader up to General. If the member wishes to transfer to a different subclan, the may do so but will enter that clan at entry level.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:50:06 - Last edited on 20-Oct-2017 09:22:07 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The fact is, as a member of staff Admin+, others will look at you as a member of clan leadership. This is as true for those from outside the clan as it is inside the clan. As an Admin+, you represent the clan, its staff, its leaders as well as its members. For this reason, we are looking for those players that stand out in the aspect of being a leader. Don't mistake me when i use the term leader. Leader is used meaning to take the lead. This could be taking the lead in what task you've been given from being a recruiter all the way up to being a clan leader.

If you are the type that will focus more effort in developing excuses for not completing tasks or meeting deadlines, then stop reading now, you will not make it on our staff.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:51:56 - Last edited on 20-Oct-2017 10:01:21 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


To become a staff officer, there are some things that we will be looking for from you.

1. Initiative
2. Consistency
3. Professionalism
4. Integrity
5. Timeliness
6. Attentiveness
7. Activeness
8. Ability to be a positive example for others are the attributes we are watching for.

You'll need to show positive performance in the area in which you are interested in entering into on staff. We will not place you in hopes you'll work out. You'll need to prove yourself before being given the opportunity to come on board with our staff team.
For example, if you want to become an events officer, you'll need to hold events over a period of time (usually a month) consistently and successfully according to the clans event policies. Imagine how it would look, not only on the part of the staff member that promoted you, but yourself if we promoted you in hopes the job will be done but isn't. This wouldn't be good for anyone. The attributes mentioned above will be observed during this time period. Once you have comfortably succeeded in the above, safely you may apply on this thread for a position which you have been preparing yourself.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:52:02 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:13:47 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


A supervisor on our staff is responsible for a team of staff officers. They must go above the normal in all attributes as mentioned in becoming an officer. The supervisor must be a mentor and leader to the staff officers below them. To become a supervisor, a staff officer must show going above the normal and being a leader among their peers. They must also show they can lead with effectiveness and maintain positive motivation within their team. Again this must be displayed over a period of time to show consistency (usually about a month). As with becoming a staff officer, the show of performing the duties of a supervisor must be demonstrated before the officer is promoted to supervisor. Once the staff officer is comfortable that they have demonstrated sufficient consistency in performing as a supervisor, they may post an application on this thread for review.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:52:09 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:14:58 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


A manager on our staff is responsible for a team of supervisors. They must go above the normal in all attributes as mentioned in becoming a supervisor. The manager must be a mentor and leader to the supervisors below them. To become a manager, a supervisor must show going above the normal and being a leader among their peers. They must also show they can lead with effectiveness and maintain positive motivation within their team. Also, the supervisor must show the initiative to build upon the team by recruiting members of the clan onto staff (subject to review by leadership). Again this must be displayed over a period of time to show consistency (usually about 4 weeks). As with becoming a supervisor, the show of performing the duties of a manager must be demonstrated before the supervisor is promoted to manager. Once the supervisor is comfortable that they have demonstrated sufficient consistency in performing as a manager, they may post an application on this thread for review.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:52:17 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:15:54 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


Becoming a director is the second most hardest rank to achieve in our clan. To become a director, A manager must have knowledge of and had worked in all departments within the section he/she desires to direct. This individual is strong in planning, assessing and developing the departments within their section. Building and management of the departments within their section is essential and should be shown as a positive trait from the candidate. Communication skills and development of relations within the department across subclans are also essential and must be demonstrated as the clan moves forward in its acquisition of other clans in the community.

Decision making skills to achieve positive goals is what we are looking for here. This member needs no supervision and can independently build, develop, direct, manage, supervise, and perform the duties within all departments within the section they are a director of.

From a managers standpoint, the manager has a lot of work to do to be ready for this position. However needing to be proficient in performing the duties of all departments within the section, the manager does not need to start over as an officer in each department De-ranking them. The manager can perform the duties of a different department while still maintaining their responsibilities and placement as manager over their original managing department.

Once the manager is comfortable that they are proficient in all departments within a section, and they feel they have developed enough to be a director, they may apply for this position on this thread for review.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:53:54 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:16:44 by SlRE

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 2,775 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


In every meaning of the words, assistant clan leader, it is exactly as its stated. The assistant clan leader assists the clan leader in day to day operations, administrations, logistics, diplomacy and development to ensure the prosperity of the clan.

The assistant clan leader is the the hardest most involved and demanding position in the clan. As the assistant clan leader, a player must be proficient in all departments within all the sections in the clan. They must be in tune with the clan vision, mission, and scope and very efficient in planning according to them. The assistant clan leader must know all engagements of clan diplomacy with outside clans as well as being able to deter and defuse any negative publicity brought upon the clan.

A director looking to be the assistant clan leader must be the top performer in the clan. Knowing everything about the clan, its policies, procedures, and customs along with knowing the function of every single job in the clan is required of the assistant clan leader. It will be common of the assistant clan leader to drop what they are currently doing to assist other members or fill in to help lower performing departments. They will on their own make a quick assessment and make adjustments of their agenda day to day based on the needs of the clan.

The clan leader will mentor any director that shows the initiative in becoming the assistant clan leader. When a director feels comfortable in becoming the assistant clan leader, they may post an application on this thread for that position. It will be reviewed only by the clan leader.

Clan Leader / Founder

(¸.•´ (¸.• (¸.•
14 Years in Service

13-Oct-2017 09:54:03 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2020 08:17:36 by SlRE

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