The bustling streets of Menaphos are business as normal, but at the Grand Pyramid, it would seem issues always knocks at its grand doors. An eagle has arrived with a scroll tied to its leg with the seal of the Desert Guard. Dayan was unfortunate to be outside at the time and was welcomed to bad news.
"Things were much calmer at the Arc, took me forever to be allowed to have casual clothing and not have that heavy gilded armor on."
He cursed under his breath as he unscrolled the scroll.
Dear Pharaoh,
We have for the most part secured the supply route from the Quarry to the capital, but we have been experiencing issues with the nearby town of Pollnivneach. Scouts have returned to me and reported an ongoing internal turf war between bandits and what seem to be Menaphite thugs. The fact that our own people are involved with this absolutely disgusts me.
But I digress, the Bandits hold the northern part of the time while the Menaphite thugs hold the southern part of town. They are looting what they can from our routes to supply their cause either for use in weapons or for selling. It would seem this conflict has been ongoing for years. What shall we do?
-Head Commander of the Desert Guard
He sighed with disbelief.
"This is not good, and surely this is a very bad influence on the youth of the town being surrounded by this mob environment... Gather the forces, we may have to stamp out these gangs from Pollnivneach, Law, and Order must be returned even if it is by force. But let's try to reason with them first"