Sorry to say, but I can't manage the meeting tomorrow; I'll be at the pub. Jay and I did have a discussion earlier in the week about a couple of issues. If you could bring these up Jay, it would be most appreciated.
I don't like making a fuss about these sorts of things, but thought it would only be right to make a post...
I have made a decision to leave Sixth Realm, well, for good. The main reason being as I said before when I broke off for a little bit, was that when and if I do come on this game, it's to chill, to relax, and really speak to a few friends. The actual main gameplay really doesn't appeal to me anymore. Whilst Viv very kindly presented me with a top rank, I really don't feel I lived up to it over the last few months; I was hardly ever online, and as new changes were made due to the new clan updates, I felt that I was no longer as close to the clan as I had been. There are other members who I believe can really step up to the position more than I can.
For all of you who I have met through the clan; it has been great chatting, gaming, and clanning with you
. For those of you who may be reading this post, and aren't currently in a clan, but may be thinking of joining one, I seriously say: Consider Sixth Realm. What a wonderful clan, with a great leader, and some fantastic clan members!
I will be back from time to time to say hello, and hopefully I'll be able to chat to you then! Anyway, take care everyone and happy gaming!
You've been one my greatest friends in the game, and clan, even if in recent months you were unable to be as active. Never going to forget that!
You've said some very kind words, but truly, it's been a heap of fun having you in the clan - all the way from our very first meet, exactly 2 years ago (take or give a few days).
I am even more sad that you are fully, fully leaving the game... it's been really amazing knowing you, and I am not going to keep you here more than you have to. : )
We're going to miss you. <333
The very best of luck in life, wherever you are heading!!
~ Vivek
22-Jul-2011 00:56:27
- Last edited on
22-Jul-2011 00:56:55
I can't express how much i am going to miss you malin, even in hard times you were always there when i needed advice,if i needed someone to talk to about some issues, if i wanted your opinion on something, or if i wanted help with a event.
Even in times on inactivity you cared about the clan, how it could be improved, ways on how to make it better. I appreciate all the fun you have given me, through the events you have hosted, through the time, effort, and money you have put in the clan just to make it a better, fun place to be.
I'm sorry that you clan experience here had to end now after your long run here, even though i have only been here for half the time you have malin, i am still not half a good a leader as you were. Good luck on whatever you will do in your the future of your Runescape experience, and I hope you have fun before you get too old
. I will remember you always, not just as a leader but also a friend. <3