Take care to those that are heading off on breaks from RuneScape - as much as we all want to keep you here, I know that it's not always possible, and I hope a lot of well deserved rewards come through your efforts.
Wishing you all the best!
P.S. To the more inquisitive (and rightly so), no, I have not forgotten or looked over the planned updates, which were suggested during numerous meets in 2011; were tested, taken back to the drawing board, re-tested, evaluated, bettered and finally confirmed.
I am trying to balance a couple of things on some seemingly faulty scales right now, so I apologise, but we definitely shall make it. : )
also the forum font is supposed to be named "verdana" if it's any use now to u guys
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
as always this month im seeing what runescape like. sorry im not on alot ive been in a pretty bad shape during christmas holiday and i cant really ... do anything... anyway, ill be on again in february and btw a bit late bt merry christmas to all and have a happy new year.
Hey! I have changed my character name from KLuZee to PikkaPii, Just to give you a heads up so you know who I am and so that you can edit the forum accordingly.
who is actually active in game, the only person i can think of is kluzee, jam is half active and thats pretty much it despite me seeing honeyfrost in game yesterday, the point being no leaders.
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.