Yeah bud, I did read your post. There is over a 2 billion gp difference between OHM and SOS at the moment. This topic that Seo brought up is worth a discussion to make sure we are price checking correctly for these items. Sounds like you are not open to change / discussion on the topic. I get that. However, I prefer to have healthy conversations like this so that we can vet out any questions/concerns people have. I am not the type of person to shutdown others and bully them into my ideology.
So, if someone reports a buy/sell of a 92 weap, but in the incorrect format (forgetting the b/s) by all means we should ask the person some more details like we already do in the FC for other items. However, what if we are in a situation where we can't get a hold of the person to clarify b or s? Such as a forum post. If we just ignore it, like we do for a 13m OHM, there would be a larger consequences. Imagine being off by 50m on a pc... Ouch. It would be like we know that the price is not accurate but since we didn't accept the pc, just because of a missing b/s on a 2 billion item, we will be providing a pc to people that is way off. Now, lets say you were in the market to buy or sell a 92. Which pc would you go off of then? I know what I would do. Just my 2 cents.
27-Aug-2016 02:38:27