You have been accepted into the Clan "Seekingglory"
Please check the forum often for updates and try to bump twice per week.And Have some FUN !!!!!!
~~``~~``~~Dont Fear the Evil Within~~``~~``~~
~~~~```~~~~```~~~~Embrace it~~~~```~~~~```~~~~
~~~~~```~~~~~```~~~~~for it will rule.
EDIT: *****o first post of page 70
12-Jul-2010 08:25:32
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12-Jul-2010 08:25:55
Application for the clan
What is your username: newfie whip
Do you have other accounts and list names? XGrimXKid34X
What is your combat level: 85
What time zone are you: Central
What is your highest combat skill and what level is it: 84 magic
What is your highest not combat skill and what level is it:89 hunter
What is your total level: 1114
What minigame do you like to play the most: castle wars/soul wars
What type of combat do you use most: Melee
Do you agree to follow all the rules: Yes
Who recruited you: PurpleiDrank and Sour iDiesel
Do you have any 99's: no
13-Jul-2010 00:14:13
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13-Jul-2010 13:28:45
Drive Truck
You have been accepted into the Clan "Seekingglory"
Please check the forum often for updates and try to bump twice per week.And Have some FUN !!!!!!
~~``~~``~~Dont Fear the Evil Within~~``~~``~~
~~~~```~~~~```~~~~Embrace it~~~~```~~~~```~~~~
~~~~~```~~~~~```~~~~~for it will rule.
What is your username: Make Luv
Do you have other accounts and list names? Formerly known as Chrono Lynx or Check.
What is your combat level: 109.
What time zone are you: Uhh, wherever Japan is.
What is your highest combat skill and what level is it: 85 Strength and 85 Magic.
What is your highest not combat skill and what level is it: 94 Runecrafting.
What is your total level: 1721.
What minigame do you like to play the most: Pest Control or Castle Wars.
What type of combat do you use most: Melee.
Do you agree to follow all the rules: Heck yes.
Who recruited you: Luuuuke!
Do you have any 99's: Not yet. ; ]
You have been accepted into the Clan "Seekingglory"
Please check the forum often for updates and try to bump twice per week.And Have some FUN !!!!!!
~~``~~``~~Dont Fear the Evil Within~~``~~``~~
~~~~```~~~~```~~~~Embrace it~~~~```~~~~```~~~~
~~~~~```~~~~~```~~~~~for it will rule.
PS: WOOOT welcome Donny