Application for the clan
What is your username: Senor Slay
Do you have other accounts and list names? Yes**** Fish, Bx F00l. Both were in RSU for a bit**** Fish was pvp skilling at the time. I just visited the clan often. Never actually joined.
What is your combat level: 77
What time zone are you: GMT +6
What is your highest combat skill and what level is it: Strength - Level 70
What is your highest not combat skill and what level is it: Mining - 78
What is your total level: 829 with all members skills at level 1 and runecrafting at level 1
What minigame do you like to play the most: Everything they are all good
What type of combat do you use most: I like range the most but use melee the most
Do you agree to follow all the rules: Yes
Who recruited you: Sir Slay
Do you have any 99's: Not on Senor Slay
Side Note:
I am just starting to train this account. It is fairly decent and I have 70m+ on it. I am intending to be 100+ combat within the month and to have a total level of around 1400+
18-Mar-2010 01:20:29