
¤†¤ The Spartan Empire ¤†¤ Thread is locked

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This is the legacy thread for The Spartan Empire. Established to become an ideal place for opportunity, community, and enjoyment - principles formed by the first King and founder, Romulus XX and others of Lost Legion. Those several founders turned into 30 members. Those 30 members turned into 100. Those 100 members turned into hundreds of Spartans, both active and inactive - all because several people wanted to lead their own clan.

The Spartan Empire was created to prove that a clan could escape the typical political tension. Since that day back in May of 2010 when The Spartan Empire was originally created, we built strong leaders, as well as strong players. Now we have returned to once again shake the foundation of the clan world and welcome others escaping the tension.

Give us your loyalty, dedication and interest in our cause and we will repay you by giving you a home with many knowledgeable veteran players as well as leaders.


¤†¤ Founded by Romulus X* on May 20, 2010 ¤†¤
¤†¤ Recreated by Areus on June 12, 2013 ¤†¤

Clan Chat: The Spartan Empire
King: Vince PharmD
Xenophon: Areus
Government: Monarchy
Time Zone: EST (GMT -5)
Home World: 45
Land Owned in World 45: Entire Realm of Gielinor.


10-Dec-2016 02:41:24 - Last edited on 27-Feb-2017 22:14:46 by Areus



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°•° † °•° Table øƒ Çontents °•° † °•°

«¤» Page 1 «¤»

¤_Post 1: Clan Information
¤_Post 2: Table of contents
¤_Post 3: Spartan Law
¤_Post 4: Clan Events
¤_Post 5: Recruitment Application
¤_Post 6: Acceptance Letter
¤_Post 7: Government Description I
¤_Post 8: Government Description II
¤_Post 9: Code of Kings
¤_Post 10: Alliance Application/Allies

«¤» Page 2 «¤»

¤_Post 1: Executives
¤_Post 2: Rank Up Guide
¤_Post 3: Spartan Invitation
¤_Post 4: The Unit
¤_Post 5: Reserved
¤_Post 6: Reserved
¤_Post 7: Reserved
¤_Post 8: Reserved
¤_Post 9: Reserved
¤_Post 10: Reserved

«¤» Page 3 «¤»

¤_Post 1: Lineage of Leaders
¤_Post 2: Lineage of Leaders Continued
¤_Post 3: Hall of Heroes
¤_Post 4: Hall of Heroes Continued
¤_Post 5: The History of Sparta I
¤_Post 6: The History of Sparta II
¤_Post 7: The History of Sparta III
¤_Post 8: The History of Sparta IV
¤_Post 9: The History of Sparta V
¤_Post 10:The History of Sparta VI

«¤» Page 4 «¤»
¤_Post 1: The History of Sparta VII
¤_Post 2: The History of Sparta VIII
¤_Post 3: The History of Sparta IX
¤_Post 4: The History of Sparta X
¤_Post 5: Notable Members
¤_Post 6: Reserved
¤_Post 7: Reserved
¤_Post 8: Reserved
¤_Post 9: Reserved
¤_Post 10: Reserved


10-Dec-2016 02:41:55 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:43:40 by Areus



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•°†°• Spartan Law •°†°•

•†•†• Minor Crimes •†•†•

ALL of these rules apply to citizen ranks (Helot-Gerousia), the Advisor, Ephors, the Archephor, and the King(s). Depending on the severity of the minor crime, your punishments could be that in accordance with high crime punishments. If you are a newer member, expect much harsher punishments, such as an IMMEDIATE kick for botting. Being a recruit also won't get you out of the demotion punishment.

•†• All Jagex rules apply.

•†• Spamming

•†• Flaming

•†• Defamation

•†• Advertising other clans

•†• Treason

•†• Disrespect

•†• Insubordination

•†• Macroing

•†• Multi-clanning

•†• Inactivity without letting a King know you will be gone.

•†• Kicking a clan member without reason.

Committing minor crimes result in 1) warning; 2) warning and meeting; 3) demotion; 4) another demotion; and 5) removal from the clan.

•†•†• Major Crimes •†•†•

•†• Scamming or hacking clan members.

•†• Attempting to overthrow the governing body.

•†• Any formation of a private organization without government approval, such as a coup.

•†• Reporting another clan member, unless there is probable cause. That does not include profanity.

•†• Consistently refusing to attend events and/or meetings.

Committing major crimes result in: 1) demotion 2) a temporary ban lasting anywhere from one day to one week and another demotion; and 3) permanent ban without reconsideration.


10-Dec-2016 02:41:55 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:43:57 by Areus



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†•°•°•†•°•°•† The Spartan Empire Government Description †•°•°•†•°•°•†

•°•†•°• King (Deputy Owner) •°•†•°•
The King is the highest authority within our government. Charged with maintaining diplomatic relationships with foreign clans, creating and revising clan policies, and ensuring a secure and active clan, the Spartan King must be wise and experienced to meet the demands of his office. The Xenophon appoints Kings. While there have been instances within the Empire where a single King has reigned, the greater part of our history has seen the reign of multiple Kings and our current system calls for one King to lead the Empire. Regardless of Xenophon being highest in-game rank, the King leads the clan and makes the final decisions.

•°•†•°• Xenophon (Owner) •°•†•°•
The Xenophon has the highest privilege in TSE. He is tasked with choosing Kings to lead our empire, managing all the history of the clan, as well as keeping the forum thread up-to-date. The King does not have to report to the Xenophon necessarily, but is welcomed to consult with him. This position is reserved for the best of the best Spartans, being only held by High King Romulus XX and High King Areus currently.

•°• Archephor (Deputy Owner/Overseer) •°•
Archephors act as co-leaders and appoint their own council, known as Ephors. More specifically, the Archephor is co-leader of the clan and leader of the Ephors. The Archephor is a specially appointed Ephor chosen by the Kings. The Archephor is responsible for choosing and leading the remaining 3 Ephors ensuring they are upholding their duties. The Archephor should host meetings weekly/bi-weekly as well. Kings are allowed to attend to oversee. They are responsible for removing incapable Ephors as well.


10-Dec-2016 02:41:55 - Last edited on 27-Feb-2017 22:27:15 by Areus



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†•°•°•† The Spartan Empire Government Description Cont. †•°•°•†

•°• Ephors (Overseers) •°•
Currently, there are three different Ephors that can be chosen individually by the Archephor. Each Ephor is responsible for different jobs within the clan. One Ephor is the Ambassador, responsible for maintaining peaceful alliances. The next Ephor is the Host responsible for planning events and working with the ambassador to have alliance events with allies. Next is the Warden who is responsible for keeping track of the citadel.

•°• Chancellor (Coordinator) •°•
Judicial chief and separate government entity and branch of Sparta. The Chancellor has no relation to the Ephorial council or King. He is charged with maintaining, enforcing, and updating Spartan bylaws. He is responsible directly with the King for determining punishment of Spartans who break our rules. He is expected to maintain in-clan order as well as out-of-clan order. If other clans cause problems with Sparta, he must determine proper standards in order to keep Sparta and others in line.

•°• Gerousia/Mora/Mothaces (General/Captain/Lieutenant) •°•
These titles are reserved for great and legendary Spartans. The decision of whether a Spartan has earned these titles is left to the Kings.

•°• Spartiates (Sergeant) •°•
The rank of Spartiate is given to those Spartans who have maintained an active presence within our clan, made a conscious effort to attend events, and become a notable asset to the Empire.

•°• Perioeci (Corporal) •°•
The rank of Perioeci is given to those Spartans who have completed their probationary period and have continued to be active within the Empire thereafter.

•°• Helot (Private) •°•
The rank of Helot is given to Spartans who are very new to the Empire and are still within their probationary period.


10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:44:28 by Areus



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†•°•°•†•°•°•† Code of Kings †•°•°•†•°•°•†

The Code of Kings in The Spartan Empire was originally established by our founder Romulus XX. Its sole purpose for its creation was to prevent future succeeding Kings after Romulus from abusing their governmental authority. This code is expected to be followed by every single King to lead Sparta. Failure to follow the code will result in action being taken against said defiant King, including but not limited to a pending impeachment at the Chancellor's discretion. The code is as follows.

1. Altering or deleting the history. Once the history is made, you cannot change it.

2. Forming a group within TSE or outside of it without consent of the other King(s) or Ephor(s), respectively.

3. Any form of kicking a Spartan that would be viewed as abusive. If you kick someone, have a good reason.

4. Declaring or accepting war without consent of other King(s) and Ephor(s), respectively.

5. Disrespecting other clans in the name of TSE.

6. Planning an attack or any other form of coup within The Spartan Empire to overthrow the governing body.

7. If the Xenophon finds a King violating any of our rules or the Code of Kings, he may step in and take appropriate action.


10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 27-Feb-2017 22:21:02 by Areus



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§ Lineage of Leaders §

§ The Romulus Era §

§ The First Single Kingship §

Romulus (May 20, 2010 - May 31)

§ The First Diarchy §

Romulus & Kain Diablo (May 31 - June 14)

§ The First Triumverate §

Romulus & Kain Diablo & Pax Bellum (June 14 - June 23)

Romulus & Kain Diablo & Mortorrounds (June 24 - August 11)

§ The Second Diarchy §

Romulus & Mortorrounds (August 11 - September 9)

Mortorrounds & Dr Drummr (September 9 - September 16)

Mortorrounds & Areus (September 16 - October 4)

Mortorrounds & Javorszarvas (October 4 - October 14)

§ The First Oligarchy §

Romulus XX &
Mortorrounds & Javorszarvas (October 14 - November 15)

Romulus XX &
Mortorrounds & Scott LandA & Ariston (November 15 - December 10)

Romulus XX &
Mortorrounds & Scott LandA & Areus (December 10 - December 21)

* The Second Triumverate §

Areus & Mortorrounds & Scott LandA (December 21 - January 1)


§ The Second Single Kingship §

Areus (January 1 - January 2)

§ The Third Diarchy §

Areus & Romulus (January 2 - January 25)

§ The Third Triumvirate §

Areus & Romulus & Ariston (January 25 - January 29)

§ The Second Oligarchy §

Romulus &
Eurypontid-Ariston (January 29 - March 22)

Romulus &
Agiad-Lord Faunus
Eurypontid-Ariston (March 22 - April 8)

Romulus XX &
Agiad-Lord Faunus
Eurypontid-Areus (April 8 - April 14)

Romulus XX &
Agiad-Mortorrounds &
Eurypontid-Areus (April 14 - June 6)

Areus &
Eurypontid- Ariston (June 6 - June 22)

Areus &
Eurypontid- Alpha Legacy (June 22 - June 27)

Areus &
Eurypontid- Romulus (June 27 - July 3)

§ The Third Diarchy §

Eurypontid- Romulus (July 3 - 7)

Eurypontid- Romulus (July 7 - August 16)

10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:45:14 by Areus



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§ Lineage of Leaders Continued §

§ The Spartan Era §

Vince PharmD & Scott LandA (August 16 - August 30)

§ The First Republic §
Rom SpartanXX
Ariston I
Fallen Speed
Scott LandA (August 30 - September 25)

§ The Fourth Triumvirate §

Romulus XX & TSE Ariston & TSE Speedy (September 25 - October 1)

§ The Fifth Diarchy §

TSE Ariston & TSE Speedy (October 1 - October 15)

§ The Third Monarchy §

TSE Ariston (October 15 - October 24)

Mortorrounds (October 24 - October 30)

Romulus XX (October 30 - November 24)

§ The Sixth Diarchy §

Romulus XX & Mortorrounds (November 24 - ?)

§ The Second Rebirth & New Age §


§ The Third Oligarchy §

Areus &
Mortorrounds & Vince PharmD (June 25 - December 27)


§ The Seventh Diarchy §

Romulus XX & Areus (January 5 - March 2)

§ The Fourth Monarchy §

Areus (March 3 - March 22)

Vince PharmD (March 23 - May 10)

Areus (May 11 - ?)


Areus (December 10 - February 27)


§ The Fourth Oligarchy §

Areus &
Vince PharmD (February 27 - Present)

10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 27-Feb-2017 22:22:58 by Areus



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§ Hall of Heroes §

TSE's Hall of Heroes consists of the members whose time and acts in TSE have declared them Heroes. In order to be a potential candidate, the Spartan must have served as King at least once. The Hall of Heroes is to honor the most loyal members to ever walk with TSE and have a role in leading it.

Romulus XX
"The Heart of a Spartan."
~The founder of Lost Legion, The Spartan Empire, and Sons of Liberty. Previous Emperor of The Roman Empire. First King of Sparta. Romulus could build and lead any clan he wanted to. Romulus laid down the groundwork paving the road for the future Kings to come. Romulus established the "Code of Kings" and did many great things for Sparta to get it established as best he could. He was the first Xenophon of Sparta. Romulus inducted himself, Areus, Mortorrounds, and Agis into the Hall of Heroes. Romulus will always be remembered by Sparta as the founder and the untouchable effort he put into his creation.

"Protector of Sparta."
~Areus' leadership road started in TSE and he built up Sparta in a way never seen before. Since then, he has led multiple successful clans. His true home to lead was TSE, however. He did the best he could to help Romulus build up Sparta. He always had new ideas to implement into TSE to make it better. Recruitment reached an all time high as well as activity whenever he rose to power. Areus was most respected by the newcomers of Sparta being known for the opportunity and knowledge he gave them. He was the second Xenophon after Romulus. Areus was the only King to lead Sparta into a golden age, twice. Areus always wanted TSE to be the best clan it could be.

"Long live the king."
~Mortorrounds was one of Sparta's most loyal members. Mortorrounds, alongside Romulus, was one of the few members of The Lost Legion. He followed Romulus into the depths of TRE. But proved his true worth as a leader in his new Spartan environment.

10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:45:42 by Areus



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§ Hall of Heroes Continued §

Lord Ariston I (Raiden)
"The Politician of Sparta."
~Ariston came here from Dark Rush Empire. His first reign in TSE was bland. But his second time around he and Agis had big plans to revitalize the government of TSE. His Kingship was considered one of the most beneficial Kingships in TSE's history. He became the first Eury***tid King. He was considered the most effective Archephor when he was called to it. He will always be remembered for the respect and courage he showed, to everyone. He laid the foundation for the creation of the supreme Spartan law: The Ordinance of Lycurgus, completed and refined by Areus.

Vince PharmD
"My loyalty lies within the Walls of Sparta."
~Vince was one of the later members to join TSE, but that did not stop him from being one of the most loyal and active members of TSE, Vince was always around, always had valuable input, and attended every event when he was on. Vince would help out a lot of newer members alongside Areus, including veteran members with any questions or concerns they had. Vince took the clan very seriously, knowing all the rules and getting to know every single member. However, he still made the clan an enjoyable experience for everyone. Vince has served as an Ephor, along with various other positions within TSE, including King twice. Some of his ideas still exist within TSE to this day.

10-Dec-2016 02:41:56 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:38:07 by Areus

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