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§ The History of Sparta §

New Interests

The crowning of the Spartan Princes took place on August 16, 2010, where Romulus chose Drummr, and Mortor chose Areus to be their princes and it was decided that these two would become kings when the days of Mortorrounds and Romulus were finished.

August 21, 2010 Kings Romulus and Mortorrounds passed an act that would evolve what was previously known as TSE. The clan requirements were dropped, and a Spartan Military was in the making.

The Historian

September 1, 2010, a new set of laws set up specifically for the king had been passed. Established by the first King, Romulus, these acts would play their part in preserving Sparta. A week and a day later, Romulus would step down as one of the two kings and become the first Xenophon of Sparta. Sparta faced the end of an era. Finally, a chance for younger blood to become kings. His prince Dr Drummr was the successor and so it became Dr Drummr & Mortorrounds lead Sparta.

The New Order

September 16, 2010, Areus was crowned the new 6th king of Sparta alongside Mororrounds. He hoped to bring this clan back on its toes, and recruit many more newcomers. September 22nd, Areus created a clan requirement again to build up the Empire in Sparta, rather than members. He named anyone who had 85+ combat as
a legal Spartan.

Rebellion Emerges

October 4th, a rebellion rumored to have been started by long-time veteran, Agis. After the chaos settled Areus stepped down to save Sparta from any more chaos. Javorszarvas became the 8th king of Sparta. Mason was the 7th with a reign he refused.

10-Dec-2016 02:41:57 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:46:34 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

October 14th, 2010, Areus was no longer a part of TSE. He left due to personal issues. Romulus, founder of TSE, reclaimed his right to power. He began to redesign Sparta for the better. The leaders of TSE purged the clan of any unloyalty, and started from the ground up. Javorszarvas left Sparta during his reign leaving Romulus, Mort, Agis, Ariston, Scott and the returning Areus to decide the future of Sparta. After the smoke had finally settled, Mort remained King, Ariston, and Scott (former Princes) became the 9th and 10th kings of Sparta. TSE was a triumvirate alongside the Xenophon.

The Return of Glory

December 10, 2010, power in the empire shifted again. Ariston ceased to reign. Areus returned and became the first King to reign twice in Sparta. He would return TSE to its former glory.

December 19, 2010, a group forged by Romulus himself became known as FoxHound Unit. The Unit was meant to protect TSE, its leaders, and its allies. Two days later Rom not only resigned from the role of Xenophon but dismissed the position from the government. He would later become one of the five Ephors of Sparta and focus primarily on strengthening FoxHound within Sparta. Areus, Mort, and Scott would resume the roles as Kings.

Anger, and Then Prosperity

January 1, 2011, Scott and Mort resigned from office leaving Areus as the King. Within 24 hours he and Romulus come to an agreement and The Third Diarchy was born. Within 2 weeks the duo doubled Sparta's members and made it much stronger than ever before. This became TSE's second Golden Era. To top off the Golden Era, Ariston was crowned once again to complete the Triumverate, January 25.

10-Dec-2016 02:41:57 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:46:44 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

January 29, 2011, Four days after the crowning of Ariston, a meeting was held between Archephor Agis, Mortorrounds, and the three kings. Areus had decided he wanted change and he stepped down from King becoming the once coveted 'Spartan Polemarchos; Areus named Agis as his successor. Agis, Romulus, and Ariston reinstated the Second Oligarchy.

The Supreme Senate

March 6, 2011, The Ephors were no longer the iconed workers of TSE. They became a mere Senate with only the power to veto. The Kings were divided into the "Agiad" and "Eurypontid" lines. Romulus, Agis, and Ariston continued to reign.

Broken Ties and Outburst

March 13, 2011, due to members leaving Sparta and creating a conflict in TRE, the longest alliance in Sparta's history came to an end. TRE's Emperor, Li0n, declared war which the Spartans accepted. The following day, Li0n would step down, replaced by Sushi. Sushi & Proto (TRE) met with Ariston, Agis, and Mortorrounds. The alliance was repaired six days later, and the war was dismissed.

As we reach the next chapter of our history, a little over two weeks after Lord Faunus became the Agiad king, Ariston stepped down. Areus was King for the third time, and the second Eurypontid King.

March 22, 2011, Agis would take his leave. Lord Faunus would take his place becoming the 11th king of The Spartan Empire. Faunus was a 3-time Emperor of The Roman Empire.


The Ordinance of Lycurgus was founded April 11, 2011. Areus was the author. It would become the official law of Sparta on April 14, 2011. Also on this day, Faunus would resign due to personal reasons, leaving Mortorrounds as King for his second reign.

Ariston would later become the Archephor. He would liven up the Ephorial branch. Overall activity and recruitment had set in. Sparta was at an all time high. The clan continued to ascend to greatness.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:46:55 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta *

The Loss of a Legend

June 6, 2011 would mark a whole new Epoch in TSE. Although it was not constitutionalized, or even governmentally possible, an Impeachment Suit was filed against Owner, Xenophon, and Founder of Sparta, Romulus. He was told to set a trial date. June 7, 2011, Romulus left Sparta. It was his time. Romulus would leave what had been the home he created for himself and countless members for over a year. Areus would become the second Xenophon, after Romulus' 9 month reign. It was Areus' turn.

Following Romulus' leave on June 6, Areus states that he will be instating "The Romulus Era." Ariston was later crowned the Eury***tid King for a second time. He wanted to liven up TSE's diplomatic skills.

The Return

June 15, 2011, Romulus returns home. Hours after his return, Scott stepped down from Archephor and named Romulus as his replacement. Romulus states that he is not the same leader he used to be, and plans on livening the Ephors up by any means necessary, including (extreme) removing Ephors if they miss any meetings.

June 19, 2011. Romulus redesigns the Ephors yet again. He made the Ephors a more, secluded, exclusive branch. Instead of the Ephors being merely 'Senators,' (which they still were) they were required to host one event per week. Failure to do so, Romulus was sure to take immediate action. Along with this update, the Senate approved of disbanding both the Spartan Ambassador and Host.

June 22, 2011. Ariston was put on trial for his Kingship. He decided to step down (which were his intentions a few days after the trial was called) to see a new person leading the Empire. He leaves a new, confident, tactical Spartan as his successor. A new face painted TSE. Alpha Legacy took the torch from Ariston.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:47:06 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

June 27, 2011. Legacy leaves Sparta. Romulus takes the throne for the third time as King alongside Mortorrounds. Soon after, the judicial branch of Sparta (The Appellate) was disbanded from existence.

July 3, 2011. Areus left Sparta again. The position that only he and Rom had held in the history of Sparta had been retired by him. Xenophon was gone for now. Sparta was reverted back to its original state of only two Kings, and five Ephors. Romulus and Mortorrounds would lead the Diarchy.

Prosperity Emerges Yet Again

July 6, 2011. Areus returned to Sparta. Only a day later, Mortorrounds steps down from Agiad King and places Areus as his successor.

July 16, 2011. Areus and Romulus revert the Kingship system back to the original way. The line of Kings were still alive (Agiad & Eury***tid) with two Kings. Also on July 16, Areus disbanded his constitution from existence.

New Warring Experience

July 28, 2011. Ariston places TSE in the Runescape Battle Ladder (RSBL.) Both Kings Romulus and Areus agreed, and knew it was the time to take Sparta's warring expertise to the next level.

*phor Restoration

August 13, 2011. Ariston, the renowned and renewed Archigos *phor revamps Ephors giving each Ephor their own job. The Archigos, in charge of making sure all Ephors do what is necessary; the Ambassador, manager of diplomatics; the Host, manager of events; the Warder, in charge of all recruitment; and the Censor, in charge of sweeping.

The First Merge

August 14, 2011. Areus, Agiad King of Sparta discussed merge terms with the dying light, Saradomin's Immortal Lords, after some short discussion with SIL's leader, S u p e r 71, terms were agreed, and Areus pulled off the first merge in TSE's history, increasing activity by roughly 10 members.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2016 02:47:18 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

The New Era

A frustrated Areus steps down from kingship with the promise to one day return. After a dramatic dispute clanwide, Romulus would also step down and name the successor Vince PharmD and Scott LandA. Romulus would continue to hold ownership. He also agreed to maintain the thread until a king was ready to take it over. He also would sit back as Archigos for the time being. Upon stepping down he ended the era Areus had named "The Romulus Era." In its place, Romulus named the new era "The Spartan Era." Up until now many clan loyalty was with Romulus the man, not Sparta. From this day forth, Everything was to be for the good of TSE.

Shortly after this Vince PharmD vanished. No one heard from him for days, he was replaced by Anarxes.

On August 30th, the same day Vince PharmD was replaced as a King of Sparta, it was decided by the empire to change the government entirely. The position of the Kings was to be dissolved. Instead of being ruled by Kings, Sparta would be governed by the 5 Ephors, each equal in power. This would be a momentous occasion; Sparta's first attempt at a Republic.

On September 24th, 2011. Due to issues with inactivity running rampant through-out the empire, the ranking system was changed to suit a more active role in the spartan society. TSE would no longer be concealed in a shadow of the past, but move on with the future. TSE would be proud once more, and would take nothing from anyone.
On October 1st, 2011, the legend Romulus stepped down as king. He never fails to bring he clan up during his reigns. TSE would now be back to its roots with a Diarchial government, with TSE Ariston and TSE Speedy leading.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:40:23 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §


On October 21st, 2011, soon after he became king, TSE Speedy thought it was time to leave TSE. Afterwards, Ariston ruled as a Monarch for a short time, until he thought his real life issues took over. October 22nd, 2011, Mortorrounds & Hunter Hines were named, making the 6th Diarchy.

Only a week later October 30, Mort & Hunter stepped down as Romulus retook the throne. With a promising look to try and build TSE up once again. With the help of his Ephors, activity began to increase as well as recruitment. November 24, Mortorrounds was recrowned alongside Romulus to reinstate the Diarchy.

Rebirth & Downfall

Around May 2012, though undocumented, TSE was reborn and lasted through the summer. It thrived shortly, only to die a second time. Leadership failed and members left. TSE then decided to merge into SoL, another successful clan created by Romulus XX. This did not work out, and all of the members in TSE split up for over a year.

Born Again

June 2013, Areus decided to get in contact with Mortorrounds, Vince PharmD, Romulus and other veterans of TSE. Areus convinced Mort and Vince PharmD to help him rebuild TSE. Romulus, original clan founder, was unfortunately unable to access his laptop and could not help with the rebirth.

Soon after the return of Sparta, Areus got caught up in school and work, realizing he was unable to lead Sparta as King. He had placed the rebirth of Sparta in two of the most loyal members of TSE, Mortorrounds and Vince PharmD. Areus wanted to hold onto ownership and reinstate the position of Xenophon until he was ready to lead as a King.

Mortorrounds, longest reigning King, owner and designer of the thread. Vince PharmD, one of the most active and current Kings. Areus, the current Xenophon, historian and owner. There is no sign of recruitment or activity, yet, but there will be a TSE as long as there is an Areus or Mortorrounds or Vince PharmD or Romulus.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:41:11 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

December 27, 2013. Areus returns to Sparta and sees that there is no sign of activity, recruitment, within the clan or leadership action from Vince PharmD or Mortorrounds. It is understandable as they quit Runescape. There was no effort from either of them to begin the process of rebuilding. Areus takes Mortorrounds and Vince PharmD out of their leadership positions as Kings. This is not an impeachment, rather Areus sees no activity from either of them, including himself.

Though Areus remains Xenophon and clan owner, there are no plans to get active again or rebuild Sparta himself. Perhaps one day Romulus will return with Areus and they will lead Sparta together to greatness again. For now, TSE is in "hibernation" and no one is in a leadership role. For once in its existence, The Spartan Empire is alive and being preserved by Areus without anyone ruling it until the time for its return happens. There is hope of Romulus, founder and Sparta's most notorious King returning in the summer of 2014. Romulus never fails to rebuild empires. Areus will join him as King in the possible rebirth of TSE. The most successful Diarchy ever documented in TSE will be more efficient than ever in their attempts to bring a relic like TSE back.

January 5, Romulus returns and Areus declares the seventh Diarchy. Areus retires Xenophon again. The duo has plans on making TSE better than ever. They realize the work required to make it better than it was and will not let anything get in their way.

January 29, after a long wait trying to find a suitable Archephor between Romulus and Areus, Chionis rose to the occasion. Leadership consists of the legendary dual kingship and new co-leader. This is Chionis' first time becoming a position higher than Ephor.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:42:25 by Areus



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§ The History of Sparta §

March 2, Romulus XX has gone inactive far too long and has held Kingship while doing so. Areus ignited a clan discussion with leaders about it and they all agreed to take him out. Romulus the man will be seen as a founder and retired leader until he does decide to come back. Areus instated the fourth Monarchy and declared himself the only King. It is always a rarity in TSE when one King holds office, but that never stopped the clan from progressing in its future.

March 16, Areus steps down from Kingship. He had to move on. He puts the clan in the hands of Vince PharmD. Ownership was no longer held by Romulus or Areus. The thread was to be placed in Vince PharmD hands. He became main leader with all powers. Areus claimed he did have plans of returning one day, and is hopeful of having an opportunity to lead his home once again.

August 10, several weeks after TSE died, a new one was made under the ownership of Photon 42. Unfortunately, after Areus left TSE to the hands of veterans, they left alongside Areus leaving The Spartan Empire's name to be stolen by several rogue players who waited for this day to come. Our history and values do not apply to thieves and thus this thread is solely the property of the former King, Areus, as well as other rightful original Spartans.

§ Order Returns §

On December 10, 2016, former Kings of Sparta King Areus, King Vince PharmD, and King Mortorrounds brokered an agreement with the Owner of the new TSE which was stolen by thieves long ago. King Vince PharmD acquired the Empire again through a peaceful negotiation administered by King Areus. Although together the wealth of the three Kings and Veterans well surpasses multi-billion GP assets, an agreement was reached that would put the Empire back in control of King Areus for a sum of only 50M. Now that power is back where it belongs after being gone for so long, the Three Kings have not yet agreed on what the future of Sparta should be.

10-Dec-2016 02:46:10 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:54:55 by Areus



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°ï¦ï° Distinguished Members °ï¦ï°

Agis: Notable King & Veteran
ajax_7: Founder
Areus: Honorary Founder & Notable King
Bigdadd3: Notable Veteran
Eaglescout12: Founder
Gawthix: Notable King & Veteran
Kain Diablo: Founder & Veteran
Lord Ariston: Notable King & Veteran
Mason1992: Founder
Mortorrounds: Founder & Notable King
Romulus XX: Founder & Notable King
Scott LandA: Founder & Notable King
SolidllSnake: Notable Veteran
Vince PharmD: Notable Veteran & King


10-Dec-2016 02:46:11 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2017 00:44:28 by Areus

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