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~Royal Address~
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
“IT TAKES ME AWHILE TO FINISH. SOMEBODY LOVE ME.” - Loxley (if you tell this joke one more time I’m going to end you)
Welcome, Kov, to this week’s edition of the Royal Address. To start off, I’ll give you all a bit of a formal introduction of myself and then move on to those run of the mill topics.
===== Your Queen, aka owner of the Kingdom’s Harem =====
For those of you who don’t know me, feel free to call me Indie. I’ve been in the Kingdom since roughly mid 2011 and I’ve held various leadership positions throughout the years. Outside of Runescape I attend college and work a retail job, so if I’m ever mia I’m probably slaving my life away at Wally-world. Other than that, I try to be a generally open person and I’m happy to talk to anyone in-game or via Skype/Discord. Feel free to chat with me at any time. I promise I don’t bite*****;3