Preferred Name: ign is KungFuSavag, but Jackson is cool
Combat Level: 113
Total Level: 1698
Favorite Skill: Combat is range, non-combat is construction
Least Favorite Skill: dungeoneering. and despite having 97 herb, i hate the skill
What do you like to do in RuneScape?
PvM and chill with friends, but i havnt played for years and all my old friends quit, so im looking for new ones
What is your time zone?
umm, it changes frequently. currently im currently in UTC -05:00, but im in the military so that wont stay
How often are you online and at what time of day? everyday for atleast an hour typically. weekends atleast a few hours. and if the clan is fun enough, I'll deff invest more time
Why does our clan stand out to you?
im looking for a chill small clan to make friends in, you guys seem perfect
Will you attend events?
depends on the time, but if im available then yes
Will you contribute to the citadel?
Will you be loyal, helpful, and just generally cool?
Did someone recruit you? If so, who?
16-Jul-2017 09:20:16