Here goes.
= Username (And any previous display names.): Luc_Magistus
= Combat Level (with Summoning): 106
= Total Level: 1504
= Attack Level: 83
= Strength Level: 83
= Defence Level: 82
= Magic Level: 74
= Range Level: 75
= Summoning Level: 28
= Highest Level: 84 constitution
= Timezone (Preferably displayed as e.g GMT+0 so we know how many hours etc you are behind or infront on the Clan's main timezone):
Believe I'm GMT-5
= Will you contribute resources to the upkeep and upgrade of the clan citadel every week?:
New to the whole clan deal (haven't played in a good awhile) But so long as it doesn't break me, I suppose so.
= Have you read through all the posts on the first few pages (e.g Rules, Ranking system e.t.c) and agree and understand them? :
Yes, even though an above post states not to answer a question with a flat "yes".
= What are the clan homeworlds?:
71 being the main, 54 being lootshare.
= Will you agree to bump regularly? (Bumping- To post a reply saying 'bump' on the forum thread once or twice a day.):
Sure, why not, doesn't take too long.
= Will you stay active on Runescape, the Clan chat and use the Elemental Resistance Clanpage?:
I will for the first two, but usually this kind of thing in mmos I can't ever get into, so I probably won't be active on a clanpage/website.
= Will you respect everyone in the clan and treat everyone equally, giving everyone a fair say and being sociable and fair?:
Of course, makes no sense not to I'm not a child, hah.
= Please give a short description about your ingame self, and how you feel you can contribute to the clan:
Pretty much I'll get bored and skill-hop so it's rare I'll do one thing for weeks. As for contributing I don't suppose good looks and charm count, do they? On a more serious note, I'm not quite sure what I could contribute I'm not high skills.
= Gender (Optional):
= Were you recruited by anyone? If so, who?:
Spiruel, if pasting the recruitment thing counts, if not no one.
17-Mar-2012 12:22:37