= Username (And any previous display names.): Relisys 666
= Combat Level (with Summoning): 113
= Total Level: 1807
= Attack Level: 85
= Strength Level: 84
= Defence Level: 80
= Magic Level: 90
= Range Level: 75
= Summoning Level: 68
= Highest Level: 99 (Fletching)
~Loyalty and Activity~
~Do not answer questions with yes or no, please.~
= Timezone (Preferably displayed as e.g GMT+0 so we know how many hours etc you are behind or infront on the Clan's main timezone): GMT+0
= Will you contribute resources to the upkeep and upgrade of the clan citadel every week?: Yes, but it may not be the max amount.
= Have you read through all the posts on the first few pages (e.g Rules, Ranking system e.t.c) and agree and understand them? : How can I not answer this one with just a yes on no? But yes.
= What are the clan homeworlds?: 71 and 54(lootshare)
= Will you agree to bump regularly? (Bumping- To post a reply saying 'bump' on the forum thread once or twice a day.): I should be able to bump quite often if needs be.
= Will you stay active on Runescape, the Clan chat and use the Elemental Resistance Clanpage?: If events and important information will be displayed there, then yes.
= Will you respect everyone in the clan and treat everyone equally, giving everyone a fair say and being sociable and fair?: If everyone is the same with me, then I shall.
= Please give a short description about your ingame self, and how you feel you can contribute to the clan: I'm the kind of person who likes to vary what they do (alternating between questing, minigames, skilling etc..) and can contribute to the clan with my extra resources (obviously) and my friendlynessss.
~Other Information~
= Gender (Optional): ---
= Were you recruited by anyone? If so, who Spiruel (via forums)
06-Mar-2012 22:14:52