Ok, I said a LOT in our cc tonight about how I flet....
If you guys are happy w/ a smaller clan that don't grow into something more than I am NOT the right guy to lead us....
But, if you want something more...our clan format is set up for a larger clan...it is why i have a dual structure open to skillers and high lvl combat accounts....
I hope I gave a few of you something to think about....and tell the other people who didn't hear me talk in cc what I said....
This is OUR clan...I am just the "Emperor", "Leader", or "Owner" if you want the way things are....I will APPOINT a new "Emperor" and you guys can keep everything the way you wish it...you can cuss and talk about anything you want....and you will NEVER grow into anything more...I ASSURE you...it is why others left The Sith Gods
I want to stay...I want to build us into a powerhouse clan...I am not talking about a mega 500 person clan....but a 100 active members would do a lot for us...and THAT was the goal we had all along
I was given the clan to turn it around....and so far it was going the right way....but now we just reached a point where were doing nothing to grow...there is only so many former members we can recruit
Just think about it....
10-Feb-2012 05:02:32