
Knights of Vengeance 85+ [T2]

Quick find code: 87-88-500-63086872

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 4,026 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
†† D Mulkey
†† Elysiian
-Lead and govern the clan.

†† Blood Bath2
-Handles all clan matters along with the Founders.

†† TemplarsFate
†† KOV Exiled
-Assist in leading the clan. Also act as thread and chat monitors, CAN kick.

†† KOV Rockers
†† Smozy
-Assist in leading the clan. Also act as monitors for thread and chat, CAN kick.

†† D Mulkey
-Directs clan members during wars, CAN accept, decline, or make wars.

‡‡Event Coordinator‡‡
†† TemplarsFate

-In-charge of making event lists.

†† TemplarsFate

‡‡Chat Monitors‡‡

-Monitor chat, settle arguments, enforce rules.

†† KOV Exiled

-Our representative to other clans.

‡‡‡‡Powers of Clan members‡‡‡‡

»««»Powers of government officials«»»«

†Main Leaders (Presidents)†
Kick in chat
Accept new members
Ban members
Hold the thread
Declare wars/Accept wars/Decline wars

Kick in chat
Accept new members
Hold the thread (in a state of emergency)
Be part of a jury in a trial

Kick in chat
Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial

†Powers of regular clan members†

Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial

Accept new members
Be part of a jury in a trial

Be part of a jury in a trial

15-Sep-2011 01:27:00

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 4,026 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Event: Pest Control
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Knight's Outpost
Risk Level: 0

Event: Stealing Creation
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Gamer's Grotto
Risk Level: 0

Event: Clan Wars
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: TBA
Meet at: Gamer's Grotto
Risk Level: 0

Event: Barbarian Assault
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Barbarian Outpost
Risk Level: 0

Event: Castle Wars
Time: 8 PM (EST)
World: 85
Meet at: Castle Wars Lobby
Risk Level: 0

Event: TemplarsFate's 99 Runescafting Party
Time: TBA
World: TBA
Meet at: TBA
Risk Level: 0

15-Sep-2011 01:39:23

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 4,026 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜..:::::KNIGHTS OF VENGEANCE:::::..˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤
,,,,,,,,,*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*˜,,,,,,MEMBER LIST,,,,,, ˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸˜*^¤‹.„¸¸„.›¤^*˜¸„.›¤^*,,,,,,,,,,
,,º³²¹“"°'ˆ˜´¨¯¨`˜ˆ'°"”¹²³ºª*^..We Value all of our Members, We currently have: 58.^*ªº³²¹“"°'ˆ˜´¨¯¨`˜ˆ'°"”¹²³º,,

¤D Mulkey

†Queen† (1/1)
¤Blood Bath2

†Magistrates† (2/3)
¤KOV Exiled

†Nobles† (1/5)

*Knights† (6)
¤Gen Zeus
¤Flutter Shy

*Soldiers† (8)
¤Merk Rune

†Recruits† (38)
¤Apple iWhore
¤Captn Squily
¤D1ce 0wn54x2
¤Fil Fn Bird2
¤Geers Of War
¤KOV Aman
¤Kraq Quar
¤Lil Fn Bird2
¤M V * zerker
¤Pk A Scrub
¤Race Hemi
¤Str Own All4
¤V Snlp3rz V


15-Sep-2011 01:42:07 - Last edited on 15-Sep-2011 01:43:21 by Enlighten

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