*˜˜*^¤‹.„¸Application to Join^*˜˜*^¤‹.„¸
Name you would like to be called in chat:
P2P Combat Level: (with summoning)
F2P Combat Level: (without summoning)
Attack Level:
Strength Level:
Constitution Level:
Defence Level:
Magic Level:
Ranged Level:
Prayer Level:
Summoning Level:
Ancient Curses(Y/N):
Total Level:
Are you a skiller? Killer? Or something in-between?:
Favorite Thing to do on RuneScape:
Total Account GP Worth: (Optional)
Top Three Non-combat skills-
How did you locate our clan?: I found the clan through the RuneScape forums.
Have you read the rules?: Yes I read and understand the rules.
Are you willing to follow all rules accordingly?: Yes.
Are you willing to be active?: Yes.
Are you willing to be loyal?: Yes. I feel if you aren't willing to be loyal, why be in a clan at all?
Will you give all effort to bettering this clan?: Yes.
Are you willing to follow all guidelines for our clan?: Yes.
Are you on any other clan’s memberlist?: No.
If you are not active, you will be swept from our clan without any consent, do you understand this?: Yes, completley.
List any clan experience you have, if any: Well, I've been clanning scince 2006. I mostly led the clans though.
28-Aug-2011 04:05:28