*˜˜*^¤‹.„¸Application to Join^*˜˜*^¤‹.„¸
Name you would like to be called in chat: Maeh
P2P Combat Level: (110)
F2P Combat Level: (don't know how to see it)
Attack Level: 57
Strength Level: 47
Constitution Level: 50
Defence Level: 51
Magic Level: 42
Ranged Level: 32
Prayer Level: 31
Summoning Level: 2
Ancient Curses(Y/N): ?
Ancients(Y/N): ?
Lunar(Y/N): ?
Total Level: 739
Are you a skiller? Killer? Or something in-between?: Something in-between
Favorite Thing to do on RuneScape: Like to kill things and questing
Total Account GP Worth: (Optional) got 1.8M GP atm.
Top Three Non-combat skills-
- woodcutting 45
- Mining 43
- Smithing 38
How did you locate our clan?: looked in the "Recruitment – Under 140 Combat" Forum Thread
Have you read the rules?: Yes
‡Clan Rules‡
1.Obey all Jagex rules
2.Don’t argue with clan members, especially higher ranking ones.
3.Come to events.
4.Bump our thread
5.Be active
6.Have fun
7.Be in the clan chat at all times
8.Listen to the leaders
Are you willing to follow all rules accordingly?: Yes
Are you willing to be active?: Yes
Are you willing to be loyal?: Yes
Will you give all effort to bettering this clan?: Yes
Are you willing to follow all guidelines for our clan?: Yes
Are you on any other clan’s memberlist?: No
If you are not active, you will be swept from our clan without any consent, do you understand this?: Yes
List any clan experience you have, if any: Have been working in the Citadel for a Clan ones
Cheers Maehbabs
Name you would like to be called in chat: Maeh
P2P Combat Level: (110)
F2P Combat Level: (don't know how to see it)
Attack Level: 57
Strength Level: 47
Constitution Level: 50
Defence Level: 51
Magic Level: 42
Ranged Level: 32
Prayer Level: 31
Summoning Level: 2
Ancient Curses(Y/N): ?
Ancients(Y/N): ?
Lunar(Y/N): ?
Total Level: 739
Are you a skiller? Killer? Or something in-between?: Something in-between
Favorite Thing to do on RuneScape: Like to kill things and questing

Total Account GP Worth: (Optional) got 1.8M GP atm.
Top Three Non-combat skills-
- woodcutting 45
- Mining 43
- Smithing 38
How did you locate our clan?: looked in the "Recruitment – Under 140 Combat" Forum Thread
Have you read the rules?: Yes

‡Clan Rules‡
1.Obey all Jagex rules
2.Don’t argue with clan members, especially higher ranking ones.
3.Come to events.
4.Bump our thread
5.Be active
6.Have fun
7.Be in the clan chat at all times
8.Listen to the leaders
Are you willing to follow all rules accordingly?: Yes
Are you willing to be active?: Yes
Are you willing to be loyal?: Yes
Will you give all effort to bettering this clan?: Yes
Are you willing to follow all guidelines for our clan?: Yes
Are you on any other clan’s memberlist?: No
If you are not active, you will be swept from our clan without any consent, do you understand this?: Yes
List any clan experience you have, if any: Have been working in the Citadel for a Clan ones
Cheers Maehbabs
18-Mar-2014 07:00:37