Our members from Recruit up to and including Generals are on a rank point system and must one; earn points for promotional purposes, and two; maintaining their current rank status. As programs come open to add to the list of things a member may do, they'll be added here.
Currently, the programs running are;
1. New Member Referral Program 2PTS
2. Production
---a. Staff will receive a point for every 2500 1PT
---b. Members will receive a point for every 1250 1PT
3. Supply 1PT
See parts a and b under production, same applies for supply.
4. Hosting a free form event.
Must have a post listing what event, when, and who all attended
5. Participating in an event 1PT
6. Hosting a fundraiser.
Must have a post listing what event, when, and who all attended. Additionally, you must include next to each participant what they raised for items, or cash.
7. Participate in a fundraiser. 1PT
8. Posting a bump each day at a rate of 1/7th of a point each day. a posted bump each of the 7 days will earn you 1 point at the end of the week.
Note, if you see no template, free form a post. But all activity must be posted to get points. no post, no point.