F2P or P2P?: F2P (hopefully P2P by friday)
Combat Level: 76
Total Level: 956
Highest Combat Skill: Attack at 64
Highest Non-Combat Skill: Firemaking at 46
Favorite Skill: Probably Slayer
Least Favorite Skill: Farming
Favorite In-Game Activity: Training Combat (pest control if minigame wise.)
Least Favorite In-Game Activity: Questing
Assuming you have read the rules, which do you think is MOST important?: To joke, but know where the line is.
Do you have an interest in Anime/Manga?: Definitely
Extra: I do have a second account much higher, however i do not remember the states except it is also f2p and 99 ranged. I am currently focusing on this account at the moment. Probably wont get on that other account for awhile.
The Sky Should Be High.
27-Jan-2016 01:30:41