Player Information:
» Username: MrKeto
» Total level: 1698
» Combat level: 107
» Membership Status (F2P/P2P): P2P
— How long have you been playing RuneScape?
Since Classic. Started 16 years ago, been playing on and off with a couple of years not playing.
— Which player type best suits you: Skiller, Killer or Socializer?
All of them mixed together.
— What is your preferred combat style: Melee, Magic or Range?
— What skills do you find most enjoyable?
Fishing/Cooking Woodcutting/Fletching
— Do you have any PvM experience?
Not really but willing to learn and experience new stuff within the game.
— If so, which bosses have you killed?
— Have you ever solo'd any bosses? Which ones?
— What are your favourite bosses?
— What are your long-term goals?
Maxing out my combat skills.
— What interests you most about Gielinor Heroes?
I was invited in a Looking for clan post that i made, the clan description fits what i am looking for. I am looking for a clan to join to meet mature players who are not all about PVP and money making. I am sure i will enjoy my stay.
— Do you have Discord?
Yes but rarely use it.
— Besides what you have already told us, is there anything else we should know?
I have not seriously played RS in many years except for the ocassional logins and some skilling here and there. I am completely lost with all the new content. I might look like a little noob but i will learn about the new content with time.
28-Jun-2018 07:22:16