Player Information:
Username: Sir Aldyn
Total level: 852
Combat level: 87
Membership Status (F2P/P2P): P2P
How long have you been playing RuneScape?
› 17 years
Which player type best suits you: Skiller, Killer or Socializer?
What is your preferred combat style: Melee, Magic or Range?
What skills do you find most enjoyable?
›Slayer, Mage, Summoning, Dungeoneering
Do you have any PvM experience?
If so, which bosses have you killed?
›kalphite queen, all god wars, giant mole
Have you ever solo'd any bosses? Which ones?
›all god wars, kalphite, mole
What are your favourite bosses?
What are your long-term goals?
› kill every boss
What interests you most about Winterfell?
› I like the name, other clan names were kinda lame
Do you have Discord?
› yes
Are you willing to help out at the Citadel each week?
› sure
Besides what you have already told us, is there anything else we should know?
› I played mostly OSRS, recently I pivoted into rs3. I quit RS after the EoC, so I rolled an alt to restart OSRS. I recently taken an interest in bossing and decided to try rs3, so now I'm just grinding all my combat skills then going after the bosses.
27-Jul-2022 18:01:46