Guys, hes saying when you recruit someone who left the chat in their prev clan then left, they're not in the clan chat when you recruit them. Then you got your clannies spamming welcome and they're not even in the cc. 'Clan roster list' = Clan chat.
He wants to have it so it resets if you're in cc or not when you lave clan. I'm sure some of you have had that moment where this happens and you have to explain to the new recruit how to join the cc.
Guys, hes saying when you recruit someone who left the chat in their prev clan then left, they're not in the clan chat when you recruit them. Then you got your clannies spamming welcome and they're not even in the cc. 'Clan roster list' = Clan chat.
He wants to have it so it resets if you're in cc or not when you lave clan. I'm sure some of you have had that moment where this happens and you have to explain to the new recruit how to join the cc.
Ohhh. That's never happened to us before, so I didn't even know that happened.
Guys, hes saying when you recruit someone who left the chat in their prev clan then left, they're not in the clan chat when you recruit them. Then you got your clannies spamming welcome and they're not even in the cc. 'Clan roster list' = Clan chat.
He wants to have it so it resets if you're in cc or not when you lave clan. I'm sure some of you have had that moment where this happens and you have to explain to the new recruit how to join the cc.
Support =p
Yeah I agree!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.