I've had awesome moments and we did so many fun events with Kirstunael - I would write book about it. PK fun, Godwars, minigames, citadel hype, warbands, raids...
Our longest lasted event is skillweek, it's running 7th year nonstop and soon the 8th year of skillwars starts (: If I started writing, it would be a lot to read.
So I better tell what's happening now:
Gathering at Teamspeak almost everyday, chatting, having fun while playing, it's still awesome. I'm at Teamspeak even when I'm offline in game. I use push to talk to I can react anytime but I have my privacy and free time in real life too.
Gathering to Teamspeak raids channel everyday, it is different fun (:
Everybody is allowed and welcome, doesn't need to be a clanny. So we see new people, beginners, friends friends too. The only requirements are TS and good manners. If team gets overfull I can host twice as I got 3 accounts raiding.
I remind the contest over Cormes bones, buying bones 1 or 2 m each and having good laugh at guys who onslaught themselves dead... rarely, but happened (: I note down every name who ever got this kill in my team and brings me bones of Cormes.
Why is it special and always fun? You need to be great dps to get it over others, you need to be lucky sometimes... You'll cry or laugh if you forgot to configure your bonecrusher and bones were eaten by it... Airut can come and poke you dead if you are too focused and I wasn't fast enough to voke it off or stun.
O well, rest of Beastmaster kill is mostly peaceful. Yakamaru goes like usual, if we ain't doing feat, all this time people keep up little friendly conversation, mostly helpful and informative.
I support a bit offtopics, singing and other distractions but doesn't allow offensive language, noise and pointless negativity.
BXP is always fun
PvM, teaming, contests
Upranking people, I love it when they give me good reason!
Clan anniversary party, soon again!
10-Jul-2017 13:18:31