Hello!! I am the Clan Leader/Owner of Teamsters Clan we have been organized since 2006. I have access to CLF I recently have returned to RS.,the clan was always in good stand through the years. I also have a Deputy Owner now. I would like to cross over and join Clan Leaders Discord. Please I need some help with this. Thank you
I have no idea how to use discord, but I guess I'm going to have to learn quickly. Does anyone know of an introductory to discord and how to navigate it? From what I understand from the news update of a couple days ago, the rs3 forums will be closed.
Any idea how that will work or how we can recruit with no forums?
The RS discord has a recruitment section. Ask someone in your clan how to get set up with discord, and use the link in the first post of this thread to join the leaders discord.
Owner of
Thx. I'll ask my deputy owner for help. He wants to join too, but the rules indicate he has to already be a member of CLF to join the discord. The thread for application to CLF says it's no longer being maintained. I've copied down the link in case forums are no longer visible by the time I figure it out.