Not sure if it has been said recently but since you have added ability to recall avatar which was great, is there any chance to change the avatar log from 6 hours to 23 hours?
I can't see there being much use to this, I don't actually know anyone who plays for 23 hours.. Very few people would make use of it.
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of
I can't see there being much use to this, I don't actually know anyone who plays for 23 hours.. Very few people would make use of it.
Thats the point, it's less about people reaching the 23 hour mark and more about people not having to worry about the 6 hour mark. I and many other people will hold the ava for over 6 hours and the 6 hour cap is a pain.
Support, since some people actually do play more then 6 hours and re-take avatar after again. (or get to the 6 hour mark if they lobby for a while with ava)
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC
Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!
For those sayin no to 23 hours, it should be extended from more then 6 at least, many players play for 12hrs a day. The 6hr is designed to make you have a break? If so why did they change player 6hr log to 23?
Not possible because the 6 hour log is intentional to make you interrupt/stop what you're doing and move out of your place and go back to resummon it.
If it's 23 hours, it would completely defeat that purpose because on a normal day no one stays on for that long, let alone with an avatar summoned.
There is no 6hr log. It's a 23hr log.
Not possible because the 6 hour log is intentional to make you interrupt/stop what you're doing and move out of your place and go back to resummon it.
If it's 23 hours, it would completely defeat that purpose because on a normal day no one stays on for that long, let alone with an avatar summoned.
It once was 24 hours (or 12) and the reason it was lowered wasn't so people would leave what they are doing to go summon it but in case someone logged out lost power the avatar would stay with them till that 12 or 24 hours has finished which was ridiculous.
I personally some days may have the ava out from 4-12 hours so leaving a spot does get annoying as it means losing a spot and leaving me a while to find it on another world.
With the introduction of the Avatar recall I think its only natural and fair to bring it back to the way it was since leaders can always recall it!