The only people i got that aren't liking eoc are the ppl that don't comprehend the combat system. i'm not sure if they have or have not done the academy either. i find it funny that through all the h8/spamming forums of the dislike of the eoc that day 1 the majority of what i see is positive. i'm glad to say i've been for the eoc all along. keep up the great work rs, i'm lovin it.
now that i brown nosed for a little bit. GIVE ME BACK MY GANO DROPS!!! i have enough cabbages now i need some magic and torstol seeds. heck give me the spirit seeds that i can't even use yet cause i'm a farming noob. hold off on the flakes for a lil bit tho, that way the price rises and i can make more gp per hr when u do bring them back. =-]
vvvvv-----in case of fire read below-----vvvvv
I was expecting one to show up and put up a thread to get our clans thoughts on it or something at least. But no... still waiting for those 'great plans' they've got for us lol.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sorry I haven't been on, been busy a lot, and the game lost its touch for about a week
. I'm back though!
Thanks to EoC I'm now max combat
, although that's the only bright side for me.