1) How did you first find out about clans and how did you become involved with your current clan?
Kept getting asked to join clans while running around RuneScape. Current clan seemed much more put together and friendlier than the first two I tried!
2) Do you doubt on your abilities from time to time?
Clan leader abilities? No, I don't think I have any of those abilities.
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
Definitely. I do a good job of keeping my ego out of the game, so nothing to get bruised.
4) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
Not that I can remember. I've had Runescape dreams generally, but not about clan specifically.
5) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
[Probably. I think I can be helpful to a new clan as a recruit (or any rank).
6) Do you talk with members using other sites/programmes (aka skype, facebook, etc.)
The clan itself doesn't have any 'official' communication channels outside of Runescape, since we can't control them. However, the higher level admins are on a Whatsapp chat, and some of the members do meet up on Discord or Skype.
7) What are your clans requirements for new members?
No requirements specifically for new members
(except don't be annoying. Leave that to the senior members)
. For all members though, they have to follow rules and cap weekly.
8) How does your clan handle ranking?
We use a points system based on recruiting and capping. Each rank has a points and clan-xp requirement. Admin+ also have to be voted on. This has worked quite well for us. We adjust the activity values and levels as needed based on membership balance.
9) What kind of events does your clan like to do?
We don't have many/any official events. But a number of ad-hoc bossing or dung groups form.
10) Does your clan have a clan citadel? (If so, what tier?)
Tier 7!! Thanks to our long-term leader Messiah ofRS!!
Gl to those going back to uni. I got my first job after finishing uni. Start in just over a week. Probably means less time on rs. I'd previously got through final stages of a job at Jagex but didn't get it. Oh well, don't need so much time on runescape now...
As I'll be Maxing on Wednesday! 7pm game time W84 if anyone wants to come along
. 10 years on this account.