Hello all, I am Jads, clan leader of Bonded.
1) Do you see yourself as the most important person of the clan?
Goodness no, I am around 288th most important (clan membership 288)
2) Have you ever kicked a person from your clan that you considered as a personal friend?
Yes, several who have broken clan rules and one who I caught botting. =/
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
Yes, I am not an explosive personality, but our clan is generally very well behaved =)
4) Do you rank up people fast?
Sometimes. I never rank anyone in the first week though, and I observe them closely in that time.
5) Do you talk with members using other sites/ programmes? (aka skype, facebook etc.)
Yes, we use skype alot.
6) Have you ever considered quitting your clan?
Once, when we were tier 3 and I was missing Maxed. Still count members of Maxed among my best friends.
7) Do you discuss clan problems with the whole clan and not only with the high ranked members?
Whole clan.
8) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
Yes 0.0
9) Do you think your clan is the best clan in RuneScape?
It's the best clan I have been in for what I enjoy doing on Runescape (diplomatic enough?)
10) Does your clan stop you from playing other games?
11) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
12) Do you doubt on your abilities as clan leader from time to time?
Yes, when we have a bad clan day, but I have strong Deputies who will steer me right in times of trouble.
13) Do you attend all the events your clan has in a week?
Normally yes, all which I am online for, but currently I am trying to get 99 Divination so my focus is on that.
14) Do you always read the applications new members post before accepting them?
No, we recruit most of our new clan mates when we meet them in game, and have got to know them for a while first.
15) Are you happy with your clan as it is now?
Yes, very =)
06-Sep-2013 08:56:28
- Last edited on
06-Sep-2013 09:17:14