Hi all,I watched the superbowl till the lights went out(was late here).Having watched american football a few years ago at Hampden (scotlands fitba stadium(some nfl europe league)) I got some idea of the atmosphere.Obviosly what I experienced was 1/1000 th of the excitment of superbowl.Glad you all had fun.
Have any of you americans ever watched rugby league.Six nations championship is in process over here ,if you get a chance watch it.I wonder how the American football teams would fair in a game switching codes.I think rugby league guys would cope with american football, not so sure if that would be case other way round.
On another note entirely,access to clf.With all respect to Light and Die you shouldnt reallly be here if your clans are so new.From the posts you have made I see no problem with either of you and it seems you both ran clans in the past.The requirement for a clan to have existed for 6 months before leader was considered is a good one.It would stop 5 bored kids getting together at ge and making a clan to come troll clf.With the rule not being implemented the number of people here is rising quickly.This itself wouldnt be a problem if there was some actual j mod involvement,there isnt and it seems clf has no real direction or purpose.I think this causes frustrations for people and maybe attributes to sme of the behaviour going on
Light and Die I guess you both ran clans before your current ones and your clf members carried on.I am not asking for you to be removed in anyway.I do however want to mention that prior membership to clf leaving doesnt qualify someone as a good clan leader.I aint allowed to mention my personal Nemissi by name but the example of this person is one I want to mention.They were in clf from start,had loads of time for clf and became really popular.The clan was ran by the captains at the time and by admins presently.This person has little actual time
07-Feb-2013 11:13:29