
Future of clans 2021

Quick find code: 86-87-784-66188588

Hispid Gnome
Nov Member 2011

Hispid Gnome

Posts: 1,115 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Only Lilly said :
I would love a Clan Village, what difference does it make where players play?

jagex worry if we all play in our houses or in our citadel we wont be interacting that much with other players and the main map of the game will be dead.

They have used this reasoning many times in the past to decide against potential content.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.

15-Nov-2020 15:15:39

Mar Member 2018


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Hispid Gnome said :
Actually one thing that I would really like to see and a few clan members have been talking about it again recently is a
clan village
. Having max t citadel with dragon not really much to do there except basic upkeep.

Would be nice to have a space we could all put together and then work at customising the area to to show ours clans personality. I know jagex gets scared of things like poh or citadel improvements as they don't want to encourage players to retreat away from the game community but I think clan villages could be allowed visitors so maybe we could make our villages spectacular to show off to others!? or make them dark to scare ppl off.

not sure we need "clan village" with clan citadel around, what youre describing is literally the same thing
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

15-Nov-2020 23:21:52

Hispid Gnome
Nov Member 2011

Hispid Gnome

Posts: 1,115 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@scret the idea of a clan village is we could all move our poh to a shared space then work together to make improvements to that space...

To everyone... the idea of this thread was to get as many ideas as we could big or smal, good or bad so we could maybe get a list together of clan improvements we would like to see so maybe we could present them to a jmod in the hope they will listen to some of them...

so get suggesting.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.

16-Nov-2020 14:31:10

Only Lilly
May Member 2007

Only Lilly

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I cant make my mind up if leaders are giving up and not even thinking about ideas, lets be honest this thread has been up a few days and 4 of us have interacted.

Personally I am saddened that no Jmod has even acknowledged this thread to give us a glimmer of hope.

It seems 2021 will hold nothing for Clans, making our jobs even harder.
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16-Nov-2020 19:47:25

Hispid Gnome
Nov Member 2011

Hispid Gnome

Posts: 1,115 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sadly Lilly I made a similar thread last year and got an even smaller response. Another thing I believe strongly is we need to recruit more clan leaders into the clf but there's not much point if the clf doesn't achieve anything and there's no point in any jmod listening to us unless we have something to say and we can't complain about them not listening to us if we have nothing to say anyway. at least if we do have something to say and then they don't listen to us we can call them useless.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.

17-Nov-2020 13:31:43

Dec Member 2008


Posts: 17,179 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Only Lilly said :
Seems everything is on reddit or discord. I barely use either.

yeah- Im just too busy to add in these things to my routines.
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17-Nov-2020 19:36:08

Fire Hawk154

Fire Hawk154

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Only Lilly said :
I cant make my mind up if leaders are giving up and not even thinking about ideas, lets be honest this thread has been up a few days and 4 of us have interacted.

I gave up years ago on Jagex improving RS3 and decided not to waste as much of my time thinking and writing about it. It's just not going to happen as it's not a game aimed at players like us who play a multiplayer game to interact with other players. I've looked through the news archive of this year and every content update has been aimed at solo players (excluding some patches, but I'm not going to read all of those). The majority of RS3 players aren't part of clans, and the players in clans are probably not the ones who spend the most money on MTX. So I don't think we are by any means a target group, and RS3 will remain focussed on XP and PvM as that's simply the most profitable formula to generate short-term revenue.
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18-Nov-2020 11:27:12

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