I have made this suggestion before, and at the time Mod Matthe commented that it made the development team "twitch" but as a re-think of clan citadels may now be a possibility for 2017 I thought I would offer it again for another airing:
The main idea was to have a toggle on each skill plot within the citadel to offer different xp to that designated.
The Summoning plot could be toggled to Divination or Invention xp.
The Woodcutting plot could be toggled to Construction or Fletching xp.
The Mining plot could be toggled to Strength or Constitution xp.
The Crafting plot could be toggled to Farming or Herblore xp.
The Firemaking plot could be toggled to Prayer or Agility xp. (chose those valuable skills as citadels always seem to struggle with charcoal production)
The Smithing plot could be toggled to Dungeoneering or Thieving xp.
The Cooking plot could be toggled to all the remaining Runescape skills.
My second suggestion is:
Removal of orts from the game completely, and adding more useful perks to the clan avatars for instance a boosted chance of rare components when training Invention by dis-assembling items if you have the avatar summoned or are on the same world where one is summoned with this perk.
In place of ort collection (always a bind) and summoning avatars for xp boosts, clan members would gain 2% extra xp if they have one clan fealty star, 4% if they have 2 clan fealty stars, and 6% if they have 3 clan fealty stars. As Summoning familiars are used by many players during the majority of their playing time (e.g. Yaks, Beavers and Granite lobsters) they would therefore benefit from both the Summoning familiar and say the 6% xp boost for having 3 fealty stars. Therefore encouraging the many clanless players to join one.
A combination of these 2 suggestions would I think encourage more clan members to cap each week, and enable the newer clans to grow their citadels faster with fewer clan mates.
Netty ~ True Maxed
07-Jul-2016 11:05:01
- Last edited on
07-Jul-2016 11:18:30