Honestly, thats how this started. I had designed a robust google spreadsheet which was nice but cumbersome at times. When our clan moved to Discord, someone told me that bots could be made and suggested we make a way to update the cap/visit log portion of the spreadsheet from discord using a custom bot. So I made it.
Not long after, I decided to keep adding things to this bot until I decided to just get rid of the spreadsheet and do everything in the bot. Everything worked out, and I got it to where I wanted it. I ended up re-writing it one time to correct a bunch of things I learned in the process of writing the first one.
Since then, I heard there was an interest among the community for such a tool across many clans so I began working on that. It is still a work in progress, but provides a lot of tools for clans. I'm not a fan of the amount of commands that this bot has (a lot) but in a text based application there is no real way around it. Perhaps in the future I'll add a web portion that can be used in conjunction with the bot.
25-Nov-2017 22:33:09