I would agree with your first point. Although there definitely needs to be multiple leaders in a clan, I think there should be one person who has slightly more authority than everyone else. There's a reason why only one person can hold the gold key Owner rank in a clan. In case of an argument/fight between the leaders of a clan, there needs to be someone who has a the final say. If all the clan owners had absolute equal power/authority then when they got to a point they disagreed on, it would make things difficult. So I would say whoever holds the Gold Key rank, the Owner rank, should have slightly more say in clan matters than the other deputies or clan leaders.
That being said, I also definitely agree with your 2nd point as well. Whenever possible, I think voting on clan matters would usually be the best option. I think the Owner needs to be very humble and willing to listen and open to change within the clan. He should lead his clan as a democracy as much as he can.
I like to compare this to how government usually works in a country. You usually have one main person such as a President or Prime Minister who represents and leads the country, but you also have several other leaders under them to help with decisions and governing, like a council. I don't know of any countries that have multiple Presidents, but they always have multiple leaders.
Also I've seen several people who disagree with this philosophy quick to point out that if that main leader becomes inactive then the clan will die out. However, if there are other leaders to lead the clan in his absence, I do not think this is necessarily the case. If the Owner plans to become inactive for a long time, then I believe he should give his rank to his best deputy. If it's just short term, then I think the other clan leaders should be able to manage.
So overall, yes I think a clan should have one main leader, but also several other leaders to help him lead the clan together.
You my friend, need to
Apologies for the short reply - strapped for time;
I'll be careful here, not to mix up philosophies for clan operations (very tired),
Unity - Important to remain one whole, common goal, everyone knows the other individual. Even when not at peace with each and every individual in the clan, they can co-exist.
Although, I don't mind the clan segmenting itself slightly. PvM > PvP > Events/Skilling/Questing/General gameplay etc. whereby each sector actually runs individually with different friends chats, for example. Without going into operations...I suppose the philosophy here is to grant freedom. Besides, being a jack of all trades is the ideal - I'd like to have a foot in everything.
Uhm...wow my mind used to be filled with philosophical ideas, all I've got is mumbo jumbo at the moment - bad idea to indulge in mindless activities all day (I won't say what they were
Right I'll try my best:
Unity but with freedom & independence. Despite that, it's important that members still adhere to the call of duty - following not just the most basic RuneScape rules, but the unwritten rules which resonates within the character of each individual that we accept into our community.
So I guess that hints at some level of humility and offering respect for the sake of respect. Not because it is to self benefit or only when they feel an individual has 'earned' such a thing, but because respect for humanity comes standard unless you want to become the next up and coming world leader mass murder type individual (i.e. Hitler) and it's a bit extreme but likening of character to the acts of others has no bounds. Everybody digs their own grave and without respecting yourself and everything around you, there can be no sense of basic humanity or principles by which to live. There are no clans, there is no society and there are no rules.
It is a free choice that someone makes, who they want to be - but by joining a clan, they sign that agreement, essentially, that they will adopt or at least respect the rules, standards and as the title of this thread goes, the philosophy of that clan.
Except for those few times where an individual feels change is necessary so they implement themselves into a society in order to disrupt it from the inside so that its external behaviour, acts and central philosophy can adjust to be something of a nature which the said individual feels is more right - but RuneScape is no place for this, it is simply a game.
Therefore, as far as philosophies go, I try to be careful with rules. I am no one to force anything on somebody else, but I still have every power at my disposal to enforce with the most harsh and tyrannical authority I may wish. Which I choose is dependent on my perception of right and wrong. At this time, I honestly cannot say what kind of philosophy I would adopt. Philosophies are fluid for the aforementioned reasons.
What I know is that whatever mode of thinking I vow to abide by, I will ensure that reflects on the clan and, in turn, the members. Perhaps this hand could extend to other members in the game.
I would, of course, not be a tyrannical leader - but some form of authority is necessary to deal with certain types of individuals who are less responsive to those they perceive to be inferior and (I hate the word) submissive.
Therefore, the philosophy remains the same per individual, but the approach changes in order that it is possible to reach a hand out to each individual in order to share whatever it is you are trying to encourage.
Ultimately...I'd do what was necessary to reach out. If part of a philosophy incorporates success, then irrespective of how unconventional your methods may be, you should achieve what it is you set out to do, whilst maintaining your most deeply held morals and principles.
As of right now? I guess I'd want a united (repeated that one too many times) clan which has a strong image. We needn't have high rankings or conform to any such standards which others may regard as their lifeline in terms of reputation. I'd rather that a clan stands for something and stands out as a flagship within that field.
So I guess that means...
Strong people-focused principles - i.e. actions not self beneficiary.
Strong in character (humble, but very clear in what you personally hold true without needing to look to see who stands beside you. Of course, these truths would need to be in line with whatever the clan actually regards as 'truth' and that originates from the leader)
Which brings us to myself...
Well now I couldn't possibly reveal myself to you
I leave you to make the judgement about who I am.
This is idealistic, though - it would take a lot to procure an image deeply ingrained within the minds of many individuals who are external to the clan.
Hope this is...understandable and of interest to at least someone.