
t7 Citadels' Wasted Resources

Quick find code: 86-87-471-66027134

Jan Member 2008


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I would like to see more resources too like fishing....

Also the way i see it charcoal and ore do not carry over because they are not a finished product.. the finished product... bars do carry over.

And I dont mind capping and it being insanely little upkeep.... alot of my clan cap for the
bxp and 6 percent .
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.

17-Aug-2018 01:48:21

Jul Member 2013


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Yea, those that care about bxp and 6% xp buff enjoy the new updates, that isn't really the concern. I'm very happy the individual clannies are being taken care of.

The concern is more a quality of life thing for clan itself and the whole concept surrounding how gathering resources helps the clan. Clannies do want to help the clan and capping is an easy across the board way to help no matter how little time someone has...yet it isn't really helping once your clan has maxed out everything in the citadel and really just is literally "wasted" resources. It feels like someone working to help and you smiling with a big thank you then throw their work in the trash because you don't need it and it wasn't actually helpful.

It really should go toward something, anything. It's easier to max out citadels now and more and more clans are going to hit this same void of purpose for their resources in their citadel.
`. I Know Right `.
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26-Aug-2018 07:14:37

Oct Member 2012


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Our tier 7 citadel requires 5205 resources (including ore and charcoal) for weekly upkeep. The avatar can gather 8100 resources, so no one has to gather anything and still have a surplus using the avatar. A player could be at the citadel doing lots of other activities--disassembling, using skill/combat dummies, checking out a new wardrobe, etc. while the avatar is gathering. Somehow it just doesn't seem right that upkeep can be met with just one player's activities.

Most members want to earn fealty especially since it's so much faster now. At the same time, as Jigzag said, they want to feel that they are contributing to the clan and that their efforts have some value to the clan. Perhaps upkeep was lowered too much.

27-Aug-2018 00:40:30 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2018 06:17:00 by Goldberry

Nov Member 2010


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Not to be argumentative but I feel upkeep is calculated to the correct level and a great reward for completed citadels especially for smaller clans.

My clan members realize the citadel is a balance of them helping with upkeep while benefiting them with plot xp, bonus xp and avatar xp. They especially like the new notifications about how many have capped.

Thank you Jagex for speeding up capping, making the citadel more fun, more like a game, less like a job.
Fealty Stars Clan Founding Owner, 20/04/2012

27-Aug-2018 14:23:04



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Considering it's been stated that it isn't possible to add more plots due to the space in the Citadel being basically at peak, I doubt something of the kind will be done.

Additionally, such a thing would only delay the current issue, not solve it. After maxing new plots/structures, we'll be back here again with resources being wasted.

If the issue is ever to be completely nullified, it would have to be through an expense that is repeatable and reasonably high. Something such as a high target that can get chipped away at, and when completed will award some kind of temporary boon before resetting to be re-earned again. What this boon should entail is up for speculation. Temporary but impressive looking customisations to the vexillum? An increase to the XP buff for a week? Access to some kind of rewarding area or loot?
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31-Aug-2018 21:57:16



Posts: 866 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I want customization. I don't want human guards, I would like to choose different themes of citadel that goes with the different realms. Like elves, demons, etc. The citadel and its style would match as well.

Not only that I would like a minigame in the citadel where your clan and the guards/defenses protect the citadel from invaders......
Owner Of Prestige Legion
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04-Sep-2018 21:47:13

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 285 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love the idea of customising the guards, not just race types but armour as well. We are a t7 citadel and our guards should look the part in fancy armour that we could match in game. So sad that we cant have added plots to fill what looks to be void spaces in the citadel.
Hopefully their can be options later to upgrade our plots, cosmetics and keep to look different and keep our clanmates guessing as to what new thing will be waiting for them next time they go to cap. Must say the improvements have been great though as a whole. Guess we just want more! ;)
Owner of The Round Table

17-Sep-2018 02:58:39

Tamarac Elf
Apr Member 2007

Tamarac Elf

Posts: 1,291 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Could we give up one of the large decorative spots to create another dragon perch? Our frost dragon must be getting lonely as he's constantly searching. Just an idea.
Eldest Goat of the Old Goats
Curiosity is a good thing ;)

18-Sep-2018 16:19:41

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