Our tier 7 citadel requires 5205 resources (including ore and charcoal) for weekly upkeep. The avatar can gather 8100 resources, so no one has to gather anything and still have a surplus using the avatar. A player could be at the citadel doing lots of other activities--disassembling, using skill/combat dummies, checking out a new wardrobe, etc. while the avatar is gathering. Somehow it just doesn't seem right that upkeep can be met with just one player's activities.
Most members want to earn fealty especially since it's so much faster now. At the same time, as Jigzag said, they want to feel that they are contributing to the clan and that their efforts have some value to the clan. Perhaps upkeep was lowered too much.
27-Aug-2018 00:40:30
- Last edited on
27-Aug-2018 06:17:00