Nearly every clan has experienced it;
a clan member leaves their clan by accident
. Especially since group bossing is a thing and people have to leave their groups it has occured more. Basically, leaving a group will become a very automated process you don't think too much about, like driving to work. One day... you'll repeat this process and it will go wrong. You leave the clan - by accident. Another reason is that people want to leave the clan
, but not the clan.
Now this doesn't happen a lot. However, when it does it has
quite an impact
. The respective clan member will lose his/her clan XP which (s)he worked for - maybe even for years - and in some occasions this eventually leads to departing the game temporarily/permanently. Believe it or not, but clans are a huge aspect of today's Community.
We - everyone in here - is partly responsible for keeping their members active and interested in the game.
Losing out Clan XP is a huge step back for both the clan and the member and can even lead to a higher inactive rate of the main community.
There should be a safety net regarding this issue. I can understand that you're unable to make the "Leave Clan"-warning any more clear. Honestly, it's very clear. Either way, it remains a problem with a possibility to be fixed.
Can you create a
Safety Net
where you can
automatically reinstate their Clan XP if they rejoin the clan within 30 minutes after leaving
. Because lets face it, if they rejoin within that time frame it was obviously a mistake. Otherwise let them use their PIN in order to leave. With this Safety Net, we can reinvite them and laugh about the whole situation like nothing happened.
Can you please look into this option or perhaps something similar as an alternative?
Supported suggestions (retrieved from responses):
-30 - 60 minutes timer
-Forced PIN
-Move the "Leave clan" option to settings menu
Kong Karma
| Leadership of
The Order of War
'Achieve your goals together'
27-Nov-2016 00:19:53
- Last edited on
27-Nov-2016 19:31:11
Kong Karma