
Clan leader mental health

Quick find code: 86-87-265-66258703

Aug Member 2009


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I don’t post here often but I’m encountering a problem and I hope you can provide some insights.

How do you run the clan when you’re struggling with your mental health? Example questions to answer… (feel free to type your own experience though)
- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?
- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?
- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?

Thank you in advance.
And before anyone asks, yes, I am seeing a professional, but you know about the pros and cons of being a clan leader like no other
If you are comfortable sharing your story but not on this public forum, my discord is Beccah#9557.
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26-Jul-2022 22:35:39 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2022 22:46:45 by Beccah

fmod Member


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- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
I've run a Clan since June 2005 and it's still going. Not as strong as it once was but still have a T7 Citadel. Had 300+ Members now it's a few less. So running it does help me in a way as I do struggle from mental health issues along with other health issues.

- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?
Our Clan is come and go clan. They are free to leave and free to join. Never held anyone back from leaving. Yes We miss them but life goes on.

- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
No as I'm Clan Leader and Founder. Not sure how to step down not that I would.

- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?
No. Very happy with Our clan and how it's running. Could be a little more active though.

- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?
Yes I have thats for sure. When our Clan was very active and it once was. I struggled to get anyone to do any events as in host them. It was all down to Me as leader and I found that very hard at times due to long standing health issues. Thats why now we do no events. We did a lot of events during a weekend and had many many people joining including Jagex staff. Now our events are the Citadel once a week.

It's good to talk about these issues as it helps many many people out. Even if they just read messages posted. If my message has helped 1 person then thats a good result. Mental Health issues need addressing by friends or family or the professionals. Remember it's good to talk.
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27-Jul-2022 13:57:47 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2022 13:58:17 by Tuffty

Fire Hawk154

Fire Hawk154

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- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
At points it helped as it was a nice escape from the things that troubled my mind. Though I also would take measures to prevent it from having a negative effect on me. I'd try to have a solid staff team with people who could do most of the daily work.

- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?
I've been playing this game for 17 years and been in clans for 15 years, so I have seen lots of friends leave clans or leave the game. I have accepted that people make their own choices and that as a leader you cannot please everyone. If someone finds another clan better than yours, so be it. But what I've noticed is that a lot of people come back to our clan after having tried out other clans. So although it's not fun to see people leave, they might come back some day. Besides that, for every person that leaves there's a lot of people who stay and deserve attention.

- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
Not because of my mental health, but I've stepped down twice. Both times because there were better leaders available.

- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?
The second time I became leader of CE it was out of necessity, and as soon as the new staff members were able to take over leadership I stepped down and they've been doing a fantastic job leading the clan. I have been in multiple clans, often at the same time. I've personally found it valuable to engage in different clan cultures and see different leadership styles, clan structures etc.

- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?
Sometimes, but always found a way to move forward.

Though I would say it's not about my answers, but about yours. If you believe your energy should be spend on other things than leading your clan, then make the change.
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28-Jul-2022 12:40:00

Jul Member 2010


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- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?

Makes things better for me because my clannies keep me on my toes and feel safe to challenge me if I am being 'moody'. Also I am often giving mental health support when it is sought (and yes I have pro quals for that).

- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?

Usually lose long term clannies who want something different in a clan, say high lvl PvM, but they usually leave on good terms, and will usually guest in cc or in our discord. Also sometimes they come back.

- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?

I did assign clan to an alt for a few weeks once, and just had a total break, mainly due to work stress and issues with an employer. Clan did not even notice!!

- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?

I have been in a wide variety of clans on alt accounts, and yea clans can be very, very different. It has been a good learning experience, but it does stress me out because I want to be vocal about suggestions, but can't, so I do not find it an escape at all.

- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?

Been a clan leader now since Oct 2010, and yes regularly felt stuck during the earlier years. After long enough, you just develop a really thick skin, and improve at seeing any trouble that is brewing, and better at handling it.

Hope this helps. Discord is The Noetic#4729 if you want to ask other questions.
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01-Aug-2022 09:25:02 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2022 09:38:58 by Noetica

Mr Rey Ray
May Member 2016

Mr Rey Ray

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- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
Never had any issues like this, so can't really comment other than, think positive and have fun when playing RuneScape its meant to be fun after all!

- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits? there isn't much you can do, when people decide to leave, other than, continue to make your clan the best it can be, compared to all the others!

- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you? N/A
- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?
Nope I enjoy running my clan, and our clan is fun, there is never any drama, everyone gets along and pvms with one another, without our clan I don't think the people would continue to play the game.
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14-Aug-2022 19:58:19

Apr Member 2007


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I've lead a clan whilst unknowingly (denied) suffering with my own mental health troubles and eventually sought out support.

Surround yourself with helpful people and friends. Share the burdon and recognise when you need a break, allow those that you've surrounded yourself with to step up and support you.

29-Aug-2022 18:13:35

Dec Member 2014


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Mental health should always come first, I've been leading clans for many years and have only found peace in my current clan. Other clans always had cliques or drama. I found that for me personally, putting in too much effort can be very unrewarding which directly hurts the mental health (even more). Or being in charge of a clan with dramatic people in it, zzz.

It's good to have people as high ranks that you can trust, or that you know will take care of the clan in your absence. You can use Discord for communication outside of the game.

For us as a clan, nothing is mandatory, everything is super laid back, we all have a life, family, work, etc that comes first. Some of us disappear for days, weeks or even years. Completely got rid of the inactivity kicks because we get it, shit happens, or we get burnt out. I took a 2 year health break and didn't step down, maybe logged on twice a year to the same girls playing. But I talked to them on Discord a lot, as they are my comfort people that I can discuss anything with.

As for people leaving, you can't prevent that from happening, and you can always stay in touch if you were close enough. Trick is to let nothing get to you personally, it's a game with people who all have their own worries and problems.

I'd say just chill and follow your heart, you don't owe anyone anything, except yourself :)
Rid yourself of anything (or anyone) that causes you stress.

Hope you are well!

cutest clan

05-Nov-2022 22:43:27

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How do you run the clan when you’re struggling with your mental health? Example questions to answer… (feel free to type your own experience though)
- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?
- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?
- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?

"Running" a clan gave me a way of coping with some stress. That's sort of why I ever game. Gaming is nothing more than a form of "escapism" anyway. It's a way to ignore the existence we lead because it's either confusing, harmful, deluded, dangerous, etc. Reality is relatively easy to cope with on a local level, when you're focused self-centrically on you and your own existence, but when you branch out, and realize everything is interconnected, it's hefty to contemplate everything else happening with, for and to everybody else.

End of the day, gaming is just stress relief. But in-game pressure points, such as time-limited events, actually make stress rise, such as the "Holiday Advent Calendar" and shit. Just 15 days, must login or you MISS OUT... Like, ok, fuck you? I have priorities, and you supposedly offer up a game made for leisure yet, unless I do something I'm TOLD to do, I miss out on something? Always hated that. I understand like, temporary monthly events. Okay, that's an entire month, that's reasonable. But then there have been two week events and such too.

But clans - yeah, that's a facet of the game that's more within OUR control. Not just dictated by the game makers. When I need to focus on my own life, it can feel stressful, worrying about how everybody else is doing while I'm struggling somehow -
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27-Jan-2023 07:07:29 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2023 07:08:38 by Zyphix

Sep Member 2010


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but if you cultivated a supportive environment, it can be helpful and insightful.
This really just comes down to what your environment has become, virtual or otherwise.
So, neither better nor worse.

I've taken temporary hiatus'. Things work out fine, depending HOW you did so.

Again, all clans differ. They're modeled much after its "Founders". Mindsets tend to attract the likeminded, most of the time. But then there are people who bring their "friends", etc.

Longterm players come and go as others do as well. Accounts admittedly in REALITY can and do change hands, get lost/deleted, etc. Which I why I've always maintained a website and/or Discord or other method aside the game.

Being stuck in anything is a temporary state. Answers sometimes are clear immediately and sometimes time itself permits space needed to find resolutions previously unavailable.

Everything requires the proper ENVIRONMENT to grow in any sort of ideal/preferred way.

*wasn't finished... Stupid character limits.
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27-Jan-2023 07:08:04 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2023 07:14:26 by Zyphix

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