- Does running the clan help or make it worse for you?
Makes things better for me because my clannies keep me on my toes and feel safe to challenge me if I am being 'moody'. Also I am often giving mental health support when it is sought (and yes I have pro quals for that).
- How do you deal with long-term clannies leaving your clan? Like how do you keep up the spirits?
Usually lose long term clannies who want something different in a clan, say high lvl PvM, but they usually leave on good terms, and will usually guest in cc or in our discord. Also sometimes they come back.
- Have you ever stepped down and come back because of mental health? How did that go?
I did assign clan to an alt for a few weeks once, and just had a total break, mainly due to work stress and issues with an employer. Clan did not even notice!!
- Do you ever wish to step down or try out a different clan? If you gave in and decided to do it, did it help you?
I have been in a wide variety of clans on alt accounts, and yea clans can be very, very different. It has been a good learning experience, but it does stress me out because I want to be vocal about suggestions, but can't, so I do not find it an escape at all.
- Have you ever felt stuck (in a clan leader way)?
Been a clan leader now since Oct 2010, and yes regularly felt stuck during the earlier years. After long enough, you just develop a really thick skin, and improve at seeing any trouble that is brewing, and better at handling it.
Hope this helps. Discord is The Noetic#4729 if you want to ask other questions.
~•••~ | Leader of
The Rune Lounge
| ~•••~
13 yrs playing, 13 yrs leading clans
~•••~ | Applying Buddhist ideals to the game, Namaste | ~•••~