
Rune Metrics scan others

Quick find code: 86-87-172-65769199

May Member 2023


Posts: 2,922 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I use RuneClan which is great for tracking daily/weekly XP gains, I'm not sure if Jagex would implement a feature like that but why not (though it would not be for free, should it ever be done).

The RuneMetrics forum though is the best place for those suggestions.

Bear in mind though that RuneMetrics is an individual feature, not a clan one (and not sure if it'll ever be integrated into the clan page, like RuneClan), and you'd have to check each person individually.

Furthermore, for this type of data you'd have to be a Pro user (and the members as well), especially if it's to be stored by Jagex for days/weeks.

In addition to that, some players may set their profiles/data to private and would like to enjoy privacy - something that is obviously not only within their own rights, but also a line leaders should not be allowed to cross or tap into and must be respected.
PvMing FC

26-Mar-2016 11:51:06

Apr Member 2006


Posts: 1,675 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lisaa said :
It still needs 3D character models so the fate of my artwork won't be jeopardized when the A-Log closes.

Agreed. The 3D character model is cool and I hope those are ported over to RM eventually.

I also really like the pie chart showing the percentage used in each combat style. Hopefully that makes it over to RM, too.

Time played is o.k. to have as a private stat but it should not be made public. It's none of our business how much time others have played. And I'm definitely not interested in serving on a bot police squad.

26-Mar-2016 17:14:00

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