I'm imagining a place in game right now that only Clan Leaders can go to.
I'm imagining visiting once, maybe twice, & then never seeing the point of ever going there again.
Once I was part of a clan that had meetings - yes meetings, where you had to be in the same place at the same time.
Needless to say I didn't stay long.
You can achieve exactly the same thing in clan chat while people go about making gains in Runescape.
This specific forum right here, CLF, is the building where only clan leaders can meet, however we can still go about making gains in Runescape while we're here.
There is a maxed guild.
What about a Maxed Citadel Guild?
It could provide benefits, & everyone belonging to that clan could use it.
But to Matthe's point, there is many higher priorities for clans.
Mod Matthe, what is the current development priority for clans?