King White
Combat level: 138
What clan are you in: Bobs Burgers
Previous clans: Force of War, Cougars
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats? Nope
Have you ever played Castle Wars: yes
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement: yes.
Why pick us? Most information available, and the most professional looking.
Time zone? Central Standard Time
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any? yes
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important.
Always be respectful of others in the friends chat and don't flame. We are here to enjoy the game and create efficiency not haze members and create problems for the friendschat.
Will you bump our thread? I am able to do so.
Will you be using our Discord? yes I will most definitely.
Name one of the staff members. Slis
Describe something under 'Important Must Read'. ztos means start at z got to s
Describe something about our Warning System.
if you get 3 warnings without them expiring (2 weeks after being given) you will be perm kicked from the fc
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive: yes
Sign your RSN if you agree: King White
09-Nov-2018 02:49:48