RSN? MyBodForSale
Combat level? 67
What clan are you in? Theos Inferno
Previous clans? None
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats? If so, what are their names? Yes, Ba Teams.
Have you ever played Castle Wars? Yes back in 07-08.
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement? No
If not, what are you aiming for? Just want to play castle wars and have some fun.
Why pick us? (If someone referred you, name the user!) I was referred by a clan mate, Little5Point, and after doing some looking this group seemed like the best fit to play castle wars!
Time zone? Central
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any? Yes
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important. Respect others, this goes a long way for me because I want to a part of a positive and welcoming community, not trolls or rude people, like most games are turning into.
Will you bump our thread? I dont't know what this means to do, but if explained to, I can?
Will you be using our Discord? Yep, always active on discord (can always contact me there, its the best place to).
Name one of the staff members. SlayMistress - she helped me reach this forum, and the discord chat. Cheers to her!
Describe something under 'Important Must Read'. ztos - zam to sara, or red team to blue team, this is a good term for quickly telling us hey swap to this team, ztos or stoz(if this exists, didnt see stoz?).
Describe something about our Warning System. Disruptive/Rude behavior - Self explanatory, but a warning given if your words or actions are disruptive and/or offense and rude.
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive. Yes.
Sign your RSN if you agree: MyBodForSale
23-Jul-2018 06:44:49