after game update
Week Oct 6th-Oct-12
-1 points
1. Gnome Strong... bush - in Terrorbird pen (spy SE of Eagles Lodestone). Otherwise roaming
2. Eagles Peak........ bush - roaming north of Airuts last
3. Feldip Hills.......... rock - last in yanille North wall
4. Zanaris................ toadstool - last at Otherworldly Beings (south of bank)
5. Goblin Village.... bush - last west of Troll Invasion, near low wall to Death Plateau
2 points
1. Wilderness..... rock - last at Deserted Keep (lever tele from Ardy/Edgy)
2. Miscellania..... bush - last in Miscelennia castle yard
3. Neitiznot........ rock - cannot leave Neitz town island
4. Castle Wars... rock - last in yanille south wall
5. Mort Myre...... rock - last in Slayer Tower
6. Piscatoris....... crate - at Ardy castle north wing Freezer)
Polar Bear - Ardougne well at player-owned farm
Circus in. Lumbridge
11-Nov-2019 23:42:58