Week Feb 26 to March 3rd
1 points
1. Castle Wars bush - in Clocktower, south of Ardougne
2.. Lighthouse rock trapped on island
3. Eagles' Peak bush - in Needle's Skips quest house west of Airuts
4. Feldip rock in yanille north wall
5. Witchaven rock in house Ne of Ardy Market
2 points
1. Lunar rock roaming outside town
2. Mos Les barrel on NW wall in town
3. Miscelennia Bush in Etceteria castle wall
4. Neitznot Rock trapped on town area
5. Neitsnot bush on green island
6. Ape Atoll Bush Last in agility hut need latest penguin Quest
Bear at Musa Point
Circus at Seers lodestone
03-Mar-2020 23:20:05