1 point
1. Lumbridge......... toadstool - in Draynor Manor (nw room)
2. Brimhaven......... bush - in house west of Pirsted pub
3. WWM.................. rock - at Burthorpe Game castle north of Lodestone
4. Dorgesh Kaan... barrel - in NE room south of North entrance
5. Wizard Tower.... bush - in Varrock castle Garden
2 points
1. Elf Tyras................. toadstool - near Crystal Chins or Catapult
2. Mort Myre............. bush - in Slayer Tower
3. Port Phasmatys.... barrel - trapped in town (can be in Cook House)
4. Elf Mine.................. rock - trapped past leaf trap east of Priff entrance
5. North of Nardah... cactus - in nardah herbshop
6. Feldip Hills............. bush - Yanille south wall
Bear in Rellekka Well
Circus at Lumbridge
29-May-2019 00:24:20