RsN: Mr Lure
Total: 2590 (2639 virtual)
Be a long time member of this FC, keeping balance (Spammers, bad behaving *read next question for detailed answer*), teaching people on how to improve and last making lots of friends!
Why do you want to be ranked in the FC?
I like to help people and give them advise like the today's FC ranks helped me! I'd also like to have the opportunity to explain how Forums and Ranks work in order to get more people into helping each other! A Rank will also help sort out bad behaving people that keep Spamming the FC for no reason and taking them into personal chat to sort out their problem, if they insist on spamming then appropriate measures will be taken. I also realized some times that i'm Online that there aren't enough Ranks online so that will help having more ranks Online at any hour!
Are you willing to follow all rules?
Of course i will
Have you read this thread?
Yes and i understand
Are you currently ranked in another FC that does minigames or D&Ds? If so, please list them.
Would you want to join our community Discord server (not required for a rank)?
I always use discord and i already joined the Discord server
Any other questions?
14-Jan-2021 00:32:45