1. Current Runescape Name (and recent RSNs): Christ Muffin
2. Current Clan Chat Name: NA
3. Previous PvP/Warbands related FC's and reason for leaving them: Used to be a regular in the PK FC a couple years ago. Became inactive due to life responsibilities. If this is the same PK as before, the name may sound familiar.
4. State the name of your vouch here (if none: how did you find out about the FC?): Actually was looking to contact PK or alt (forget names), jumped on forums and saw this thread.
5. Reason for applying to PkFC: Getting back into warbands. I have been playing daily again and been soloing wbs but hoping to get back into an active FC.
6. How often do you plan on using this FC?: Daily
7. We use Discord to communicate during Warbands, will you be able to join and listen?: Yes
8. Wars are not mandatory in this FC, but we do however protect each other if hostile players show up; will you be willing to attack them in multi with us?: Yes
9. On a scale of 1-10 what is your PvP experience?: 7
10. What gear and weapon will you be using?: Appropriate ranging gear.
11. Are you willing to add “PkFC” to your Friends List? (required): Yes
12. There is an additional question in the rules that requires a response here, please read through them carefully: 11
03-Feb-2021 10:24:33